This is a list of the order of posts to be covered in The Real Higgs OLLI UC Irvine course that I am presenting on February 25, 2013. We are expecting new LHC results at the Moriond meeting in Italy from March 2-9, 2013, and will put them on this blog then.
1. Introduction to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
2. Introduction to Quarks, Leptons, and the Electromagnetic and Weak Interactions
3. Introduction to the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
4. Higgs Production and Decay Channels
5. Evidence for the Higgs at 125 GeV in the LHC (11/27/2012)
6. New Higgs ATLAS Results on the Two Photon and Four Lepton Decays
7. Spin in Quantum Mechanics, with Relativity
8. Weak Isospin and the Weakly Interacting Bosons
9. Particle Masses, the Higgs Theory, and the Weinberg-Salam Theory
10. Recent References for the Higgs
Additional topics that readers may want to add to the sequence are given below.
Importance of the Higgs Boson Discovery
What Might the Higgs Boson Imply? (Supersymmetry)