Fox News Might Get the Trump Motivated Revenge Bomber to Turn Himself In

Fox News Might Get the Trump Motivated Revenge Bomber to Turn Himself In

Update:  5 pm, Oct. 26.  Fourteen packages have now been found by the bomber.  This is so far one more than the unibomber’s 13.  Sayoc likes conspiracy theories.  I don’t know what that mental syndrome is called, but Trump was adopting that outlook under the fake flag name.  Remember when Trump had the theory that the Central Park 5 were still guilty, and when he pushed the birther movement?

Update:  9 am, Oct. 26.  Thank god, they have an arrested suspect.  The pro-Trump, anti-CNN stickers on the van show his need for attention.  He was also anti all minorities.

While everybody seeks a motive, there is one motive that drives most of the American shooters and bombers.  That is to immortalize themselves.  They are people that have not done anything with their lives, but want the publicity that they have desired as if they were someone famous.  So they compete to become the most infamous instead.

The unibomber had a manifesto he wanted published.

The Las Vegas bomber wanted the highest kill, as rated in violent video games and counts on massive kill movies.  That is why he used bump stocks with 12 rifles, and hit a very large outdoor concert.

Osama bin Laden didn’t just attack one important target on 9/11, but tried for four, achieving three, plus four airplanes full of people.  Each additional target risks someone informing, or being detected in training.  The nineteen hijackers also sought immortality as martyrs.

The Revenge Bomber wants to be recognized by all Trump supporters as the uber-supporter.  That is why he aimed at 12 Trump targets.  That is why the bombs had to be mailed all at once, since after one was detected, the targets would all be protected.  That is why he waited to make as many devices as needed.

Since he is seeking infamous immortality, Fox News should promise him a 15-minutes-of-infamy interview, while he is turning himself in.  Otherwise, he might be shot by the police and never be heard from.  Or, he will get life imprisonment and also never be heard from.

Since he undoubtedly gets all of his view points from Fox News, he wouldn’t say anything on the interview that hadn’t already been said by commentators on the network anyway.

The bomber doesn’t trust CNN, which he targeted.  He doesn’t trust MSNBC since he targeted Brennan, mistakenly thinking he was at CNN, showing that he doesn’t really watch either of those.  So it has to be Fox News.

For Fox News, think of the audience for those 15 minutes, which you can take apart and run on for a week.  Or, think of it as penance for having a business plan based only on Trump’s Reality Show.

Fox News can become the heroes, rather than the suspected co-motivators.

The longer the bomber is out there, the more dangerous the bombs 2.0 will be.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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