March 21. Good Government Illustrated in California

March 21.  Good Government Illustrated in California

Trying to stay positive.  Governor Newsom of California gave a speech which showed true leadership and command of the situation.  He knew all the details of the multipronged attack or defense to solve California’s Coronavirus problems.  There was no electioneering or self praise.  What a contrast to Trump’s lack of command or knowledge of the situation, and lack of self control.  There was no partisanship either.

Yesterday I went shopping in my Irvine market and paper products, water, bread, milk, cheese, tomato sauce, and noodle soups shelves were bare.  I did score the last two pizzas, though.

Today, I went to walk on the beach boardwalk, and few people were on the beach.  Of course, the water was 59º F.  But the air was unusually clear.  They had signs telling people to stay 6 feet apart.  Since beach air disperses in all directions quickly, it hardly matters.  Restaurants were open for takeout.  The only crowding was the long line at the ice cream parlor.  Why crowd up?  Learned behavior, I guess.

So yesterday I got taken in by Trump’s hydroxychloroquine with azithromycin pitch.  Turns out, this is a right wing fraud, and can cause cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death.  There were only 20 patients who finished the study.  Six dropped out because of vomiting or diarrhea.  The paper was only self published, not in a medical journal.  The authors, who appeared on Fox News, claimed two connections with Stanford, which were phony.  A total con job.  No wonder Dr. Fauci spoke out for science, but did not mention how phony the promotion was.  Yet Trump pushed it as a cheap, approved, and immediate hope:  “I am right much of the time.”  Trump has now tweeted his recommendation to his 74 million twitter followers.  

To VP Mike Pence:  Trump is now a threat to himself and many, many others.  25th Amendment!  Take over!

The world has passed three hundred thousand cases, with 307,104.  There are 13,044 deaths.

Now for the grim US statistics, as Dr. Birx warned us about, due to increased testing.  There are now 336 US deaths.  The US total of 26,574 has now passed Spain, making us third in the world.  We have about half of the number of cases as Italy does.  The New York cases alone are 46.3% of the total of US cases.

The table has the political domain, the number of cases as of this evening, and the percent increase since yesterday.

Domain Cases Percent Increase
US 26,574 35.4%
NY 12,312 46.5%
WA 1,793 17.6%
CA 1,407 12.8%
NJ 1,327 49.1%
MI 789 42.9%
LA 763 42.1%
FL 763 35.5%
IL 753 28.7%
GA 555 14.4%
TX 543 26.6%
MA 529 28.1%
CO 475
Canada 1,328 22.4%
Mexico 203 23.8%
Brazil 1,021 4.5%
Los Angeles County 351 20%
Orange County 78 20%

The US had two bad days near 50% increase.  Now we are back to around 30%.

New York and New Jersey are approaching 50%.  Michigan and Louisiana are above 40%.

Washington, California, and Georgia have stayed below 20%.

California has stopped testing for Coronavirus, unless it would make a difference on how you would treat the patient.

Every state is, or will be, short of all care giver and patient equipment.

The cube root of 2.00 is 1.26.  So any state or the US will double cases in 3 days with a daily 26% increase.  With a daily increase of 41.4% or 1.414, it will double in two days.

About Dennis SILVERMAN

I am a retired Professor of Physics and Astronomy at U C Irvine. For two decades I have been active in learning about energy and the environment, and in reporting on those topics for a decade. For the last four years I have added science policy. Lately, I have been reporting on the Covid-19 pandemic of our times.
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