Rather than start with my own sour outlook, we owe our greatest gratitude to the health care workers and first responders who have struggled through our faulty response to the Coronavirus. They still have a long haul ahead, since our response is still sharply fractured along political lines. How to cure that seems beyond our sharpest minds.
Fortunately, our sharpest minds have made the Pfizer vaccine which is now determined to be 95% effective, and also reduces the most severe cases. It also works for 65+ people, although really serious mortality is over 80. It also has been tested for two months to pass the safety test. By the time all 330 million Americans are vaccinated, there will be almost a year checking the safety. The Moderna vaccine also is 95% effective. Fortunately, health care workers should be the first to get it.
I think that Trump wants full credit for distributing the vaccines, so he is denying President Elect Biden any information or transition cooperation, so Trump himself will get full credit. That has been Trump’s approach to be the distributor of tests, treatment drugs, PPE, PPP, ventilators, and vaccines. He then expects acts of loyalty and praise from the nation’s governors in return. Isn’t that how Kings acted with their nobles? My assertion is proven when Trump, in the very credit taking announcement for Pfizer’s vaccine, denied the vaccine to the State of New York and its 19.5 million residents, because he is angry with its Governor Cuomo, for setting up an independent virus checking committee. Pfizer’s vaccine, by the way, was independently developed.
Trump’s removal from the Coronavirus task force for five months, and installing the viral quack, Scott Atlas, to kick out Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, and now blocking a much needed transition, is an incredible assault on America, leading today to 250,000, or a quarter of a million, American Carnage Coronavirus deaths by today. Earlier data showed that excess deaths from the start through most of September were even 50% higher than confirmed Coronavirus deaths.
Confirmed total infections by today are 11.5 million. Today’s hospitalizations are 76,000.
The Constitution has a cure for a President who resorts to childish revenge, takes over the Pentagon with unqualified toadies, fires responsible federal employees who had to cross him in carrying out their jobs, considers starting a war with Iran, leases out the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil companies, denies the results of a good election, totally blocks the transition, and this is just in the first two weeks of the ten weeks between the election and Biden ‘s inauguration. That solution is the 25th amendment. Last time this came up, VP Pence pretended that he had never heard of the 25th Amendment.