Category Archives: Children

Thailand Loves Each Child, Trump Apparently Hates All the Poor Ones

Thailand Loves Each Child, Trump Apparently Hates All the Poor Ones We are all amazed what effort Thailand and Great Britain went to to rescue the 12 kids and their soccer coach, first lost, and then trapped by water filled … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, BRexit, Children, CHIP Childrens Health, Clinton, Donald Trump, Families Belong Together, Food Stamps, Health Care, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, Politics, Supreme Court, Travel Ban, Trump Truthiness | Leave a comment

Families Belong Together Rally in Laguna Beach

Families Belong Together Rally In Laguna Beach On June 30, 2018, we held a rally on Main Beach in Laguna Beach, CA, for the Families Belong Together movement. I took 160 photos of the signs and the crowd. As usual, … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Children, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th, Donald Trump, Dreamers, Families Belong Together, Fifth Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Laguna Beach Rally, Secrecy, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness | Leave a comment

Is it wise for anyone to want a 45 year Supreme Court appointment?

Is it wise for anyone to want a 45 year Supreme Court appointment? Supreme Court watchers keep elaborate statistics on the Court, but you can question how much it matters. Today, it matters to me. Newly retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy … Continue reading

Posted in Children, Donald Trump, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change | Leave a comment

California Leads the Nation in Poverty

California Leads the Nation in Poverty Again, I am not a poverty expert, nor a social worker, or a social ecology professor. I just looked up some US Census data. This article arises from Donald Trump pulling the United States … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Benefits of the United Nations, Children, Congress, Donald Trump, Dreamers, Food Stamps, Poverty, State Department, Trumpcare Deaths, White House | Leave a comment

June 19 Update on CA 48th Congressional District

June 19 Update on CA 48th Congressional District Today is two weeks after the June 5 Primary election. Harvey Rouda is slowly extending his lead for his second leading day, from 40 votes to 69 votes. Since the topic of … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, Children, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th, Donald Trump | Leave a comment

Trump’s Border Policy Would Have Harassed Baby Moses and Jesus

Trump’s Border Policy Would Have Harassed Baby Moses and Jesus It is amazing that Trump’s policy of not accepting refugees and asylum seekers, and of separating their children, mirror the plights of the baby Jesus and baby Moses. In the … Continue reading

Posted in Children, Constitution, Donald Trump, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Fifth Amendment, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedoms, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, Purge, Religion, Supreme Court, Travel Ban, Trump Administration | Leave a comment

Southern California Air Pollution Data from the American Lung Association

Southern California Air Pollution Data from the American Lung Association The American Lung Association ( in “State of the Air 2018” has good data and presentations on US air pollution, and those susceptible to it.  Here, we will cover areas … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, American Lung Association, California Smog, Children, Donald Trump, EPA, Health Care, Los Angeles Congested Traffic, Smog worldwide, Trump Administration | Leave a comment

Red State Tax Cuts: The Growth Killers

Red State Tax Cuts: The Growth Killers Tax Cuts claimed to encourage growth. Freeze or lower teacher salaries. Lower support and supplies of schools. Court businesses who want good schools for children of their highly educated staff Businesses also need … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Children, Department of Education, Economies, Education, Federal University Funding, Infrastructure, Science and Engineering Education, Secretary of Education, University Funding | Leave a comment

Trump, the NRA, and 700,000 Armed Teachers

Trump, the NRA, and 700,000 Armed Teachers Fox News, instead of mourning and praying, immediately came out with arming teachers, after the Parkland shooting. We suspect that Trump immediately picked that up as his solution. Trump has picked a definite … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, American Carnage, Armed Teachers, Assault Weapons, Children, Donald Trump, Education, Gun Control, Guns, Terrorism, Trump Administration | Leave a comment

US and State Gun Deaths and Polls

US and State Gun Deaths and Polls has a collection of graphs showing essential facts of US and State gun ownership risks, and polls on how to solve them. The US owns 42% of the world’s civilian guns, or … Continue reading

Posted in American Carnage, Assault Weapons, Children, Congress, Education, Governors and State Legislatures, Gun Control, Guns, Politics | Leave a comment