Category Archives: Earth

Perennial Replanting Rice and Challenges of Climate Change

Perennial Replanting Rice and Challenges of Climate Change One Science Magazine breakthrough of 2022 was the establishment of Perennial Rice (PR23), a cross of a Chinese rice with a perennial African wild rice.  This rice will effectively replant itself for … Continue reading

Posted in China, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, Earth, Foods, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, OLLI Lecture, Rice | Leave a comment

Battleground Orange County, CA, On Fire, with Worst Air Ever

Battleground Orange County, CA, On Fire, with Worst Air Ever It is shocking to wake up with the smell of smoke, and then to go outside and discover that the sunrise is blurred by smoke and the air is full … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Air Quality, American Carnage, American Lung Association, California Smog, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, Earth, Fire Risks, Fossil Fuel Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health Care, Katie Porter, Politics, Sea Level Rise, Smog worldwide, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, UC Irvine, World Smog | Tagged | Leave a comment

United States Scores and Rankings in the 2018 Environmental Performance Index

United States Scores and Rankings in the 2018 Environmental Performance Index The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is an assessment and ranking performed by the Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, Clean Energy, Earth, Smog worldwide | Leave a comment

Trump Dreams of Mar-e-Luna

Trump Dreams of Mar-e-Luna This is an article of non-science fiction, since science is ruled out in Trump’s dreams.  Trump wants to colonize the moon, where he has his typical dream of opening another Trump International Golf Course.  In this … Continue reading

Posted in Earth, Humor, Moon Mission, NASA | Tagged | Leave a comment

Introduction to the Planets Mercury, Venus, and the Earth by Dennis Silverman

Introduction to the Planets Mercury, Venus, and the Earth by Dennis Silverman For the OLLI course “Introduction to the Solar System”. SC215, on December 6, 2018. intro slides Mercury(1) Venus(1) Planet Earth

Posted in Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Earth, Earthquakes, F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Life in the Universe, Mercury, Nuclear Weapons, Science and Engineering Education | Leave a comment