Category Archives: Trump Taxes

Trump’s Height Shaming, and the Giant Republican Cringe

Trump’s Height Shaming, and the Giant Republican Cringe Trump was on a Fox News Interview, and his main attack against Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg was that he was short and asked for a stand to debate the other candidates from.  … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, AG William Barr, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Humor, Joe Biden, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Trump Taxes | Tagged | Leave a comment

Imaginings About Trump’s Tax Returns

Imaginings About Trump’s Tax Returns  Everything about Trump comes as a surprise.  So lets free our imaginations to what are the possibilities about Trump’s tax returns.  This is another attempt at humor article, no suits, please. Let’s start with what … Continue reading

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Trump’s Interview with the Supreme Court Nominee

Trump’s Interview with the Supreme Court Nominee Update:  July 5, Trump is down to two or three finalists.  Trump says that he will choose the person that he’s is most comfortable with in conversing in a living room.  Honestly, I … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Fifth Amendment, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Health Care, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, Supreme Court, Travel Ban, Trump Tax Cuts, Trump Taxes, Voting Rights, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump’s Lies: 3,000 X 3 X 23 X 2, or 3,000 X 2 X 2.8 million

Trump’s Lies: 3,000 X 3 X 23 X 2, or 3,000 X 2 X 2.8 million Let us look at the total effect of Trump’s lies by the end of his term of office, compounded by the best liars in … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Affairs of State, Air Quality, Congress, Constitution, Endangered Species Act, EPA, Humor, Politics, Regulations, Secrecy, Secretary of the Interior Zinke, Trump Administration, Trump Taxes, Trump Truthiness, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

We Are a Third, to a Half, to Completely Surviving Trump

We Are a Third, to a Half, to Completely Surviving Trump Under reasonable scenarios, we are a third to a half way to surviving Trump, and possibly even at the end of his effectiveness. This is cause for celebration, oddly, … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Congress, EPA, Paris Climate Agreement, Regulations, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Budget, Trump Taxes | Tagged | Leave a comment

No Taxation Without Representation

No Taxation Without Representation There are many, many ways that the Trump Tax Bill is not representative of Americans in general. We all recall that this started the American Revolution. The Unmitigated Gall of the tax bill is that it … Continue reading

Posted in Tax Laws, Trump Taxes | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Enrichment Effect of Trump’s Tax Plan

First of all, the tax plan that Trump has taken credit for is essentially last year’s Republican tax plan.  It was agreed upon before release by Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin and Director of the National Economic Council and chief … Continue reading

Posted in Economies, Tax Laws, Trump Tax Cuts, Trump Taxes, Wealth | Tagged | Leave a comment

Please Teach Trump What Bastille Day Celebrates

Please Teach Trump What Bastille Day Celebrates Trump, having witnessed the Bastille Day or French National Day Parade, has decided that he needs that pomp of having a July 4 Parade next year showing off our military hardware. France’s parade … Continue reading

Posted in AHCA, Climate Change, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedoms, Health Care, Houston Flooding, Hurricane Irma, Kellyanne, Tax Laws, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, Trump Taxes, Upward Mobility, Voting Rights, Wealth, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Trump White House Visiting Rules

The Trump White House Visiting Rules Remember the First Rule of the Trump Administration:  We don’t follow ANY rules. You are required to don the ski mask that we sent you at least two miles from the White House, and … Continue reading

Posted in Humor, Oil, Regulations, Trump Administration, Trump Taxes, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump on Health: Not Americans First

Trump on Health:  Not Americans First The steep cuts to the National Institute of Health, and the hordes of Americans that will lose their healthcare by the Republican’s American Health Care Act, show that President Trump is really attacking American’s … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, AHCA, Health Care, NIH, Trump Administration, Trump Taxes | Tagged | Leave a comment