The US Reaches 200,000 Coronavirus Deaths. IHME Projects 180,000 More by January 1.

Tomorrow, the US should reach 200,000 Coronavirus Deaths.  IHME Projects 180,000 More by January 1.  63% of those can be saved by 95% masking.

Fortunately, the Sept. 18, weekly IHME projected deaths on January 1 have dropped 37,000, from 415,000 last week to 378,000 today. 

While 200,000 have died by today in the US, another 180,000 could die by January 1.  Present US masking is only at 45%.  With 95% masking, 115,000 of those lives, or 63%, could be saved.  Daily deaths will rise to about 3,000 deaths per day on January 1.  With complete masking, they will drop back to about 1,000 a day.

In the US the model estimate of detected cases is still only 22%.  There are only 230 tests per 100,000.  This doesn’t agree with Trump’s claim of 100 million tests.

US mask wearing is 45%.  California and Florida have mask wearing in the 55%-59% bin, and other Southern states are 45% to 49%.

On January 1, the Percent infected in some key states will be:  CA and FL, 13.5%-16.4%; Texas and Southern states 19.5%-22.4%; NY, NJ, and LA, > 25.5%.

If herd immunity requires 65% infected, there will be 1.3 million deaths. If 50% are infected, there will be 1.0 million deaths.  If only 40% are infected, there will be 0.82 million deaths.

We show the leading States in Present Deaths, Projected Deaths, Deaths with 95% Maksing, and the Lives Saved by Masking.  They are ordered by Projected Deaths on January 1.  California, Texas, Michigan and Virginia have dropped a lot in projected deaths from last week.

State Present Deaths Projected Deaths With Masking Lives Saved
NY 33,081 43,857 35,511 8,346
CA 15,017 43,856 28,340 15,516
TX 15,051 29,319 20,510 8,809
FL 13,287 26,472 23,384 3,088
NJ 16,064 22,710 20,487 2,223
IL 8,672 15,523 9,952 5,571
PA 7,940 14,703 9,969 4,734
MA 9,295 13,743 10,745 2,998
GA 6,599 12,813 8,594 4,219
OH 4,612 11,121 6,056 5,065
NC 3,235 10,581 5,697 4,884
AZ 5,451 9,388 6,812 2,576

The top state for lives saved, California, is 13.5% of the total of lives saved.  The four largest population states at the top of the table account for 31.1% of the lives saved.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

Trump’s Three Stolen Supreme Court Positions

Trump’s Three Stolen Supreme Court Positions 

It is Supremely Ironic that Trump’s three Supreme Court Positions to the highest Law and Order Court in the land, will all occur by acts of thievery, largely by Mitch McConnell, with Trump’s collusion.  

A half day after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump is saying that he must flex his powers and nominate a new Justice, despite being 45 days before the Presidential election.  This is because the people who elected him demand it, despite him not even achieving a majority of voters.  Trump’s choice will be a maximal display of using Presidential powers to get himself reelected.  Instead of choosing the best Justice to serve 45 years, he will clearly be choosing the one to get him the most votes in the next 45 days. 

Trump’s only recognition and honoring of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg so far is a tweet written by somebody else.  I have a beef with that.  The author called RBG a Titan.  You don’t compare one of the three religious Jewish Justices to a Pagan god.  That clearly violates the Second Commandment.

Trump may choose a Conservative, anti-abortion woman Justice, in order to both enhance his Evangelical and Catholic vote, and his sinking support among women.  Ginsburg also supported gay marriage, and LGBTQ employment rights.  Yet, for 45 years, the appointment would be like that of Justice Clarence Thomas, an African American Justice, who shows no concern for African American rights.  It would also be an insult to RBG, who was the leader in establishing women’s rights under the law.

The thievery of the first and third appointments is obvious, the First stolen by McConnell, although vacant for eight months before an election, and verified stolen by McConnells reverse and hypocrisy yesterday in making an appointment with only 45 days to go, which is the Third theft.

The Second theft was appointing an alleged sexual assaulter, shoved through by a rushed and minimal investigation of only one charge by the White House.  Later, a second accuser came forward, who was known but not investigated by the White House.  It’s almost enough to drive one to drink Beer, Beer, and more Beer.

We cannot fail to mention the associated theft of 104 lifelong federal judgeships which Mitch “Stonewall” McConnell stole from President Obama by blocking any consideration of them in the Senate.  This will bring the Trump-McConnell federal judicial appointees to over 300.

It’s sad that on a day at which the United States has reached 200,000 deaths from the Coronavirus, the Nation’s attention is now being deflected to a Supreme Court appointment.  This helps Trump enormously, but bodes ill to another 215,000 Americans projected to die by January 1.  The crucial holiday season will be an exponential explosion of deaths unless we have strong leadership in prevention.

This Gang of Three Trumpers will be meeting, agreeing, and judging together in lockstep for decades.  Each ruling out of step with mainstream America will be mourned for decades as a legacy of Trump Thievery.

Posted in 2020 Election, Donald Trump, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell, Supreme Court | Leave a comment

Trump’s Possible Outlooks on the Supreme Court Opening

Trump’s Possible Outlooks on the Supreme Court Opening

While Mitch McConnell had already made it clear that he would fill a  Supreme Court opening, even in an election year, he reiterated it again today, when the Ruth Bader Ginsburg position opened up.  But Mitch is not Donald Trump.  Let’s look at this from Trump’s point of view.

Trump is already running on his selling his great accomplishment of appointing two Supreme Court positions, even though one was an accused sexual harasser, who also blew his top at the job interview before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Furthermore, Trump tied his reputation to the Kavanaugh appointment by running a very fast and very limited investigation.  

Trump’s other appointment is looked on by many as a stolen appointment since it occurred in February of an election year, and Senate consideration of Obama’s nominee was completely blocked by McConnell.  The Justice Department follows a rule of not interfering into an election within two months, but this opening was eight and a half months before an election.  Today’s opening is 46 days, or only a month and a half before an election.  So, Trump would appear as much of a hypocrite as McConnell and all Republican Senators by not leaving it until the next Presidential term.  If Trump is as confident of winning as he claims he is, then why not leave it until his next term.

The Supreme Court is already at 5 Conservatives and 3 Liberals.  No matter who makes the next appointment, it will remain a Conservative court, so there is no urgency.

But Trump’s reasoning goes much deeper, as he was not counting on this opening.  One of his main campaign themes was to fill the RGB position next Presidential term, when she would retire.  If he fills the position now, some religious Republicans who support him solely on ending abortion rights, but detest his sinful behavior, have no further reason to vote for him.

Trump’s two lists of potential Supreme Court nominees are carefully chosen from swing states, and special demographic groups.  Once he chooses his nominee, all of that extra support is lost.

Trump needs the Senate to remain Republican to back his future judicial appointments, to make more tax cuts, to approve his cuts to agencies, and to cut out more regulations.  Yet making swing state Senators vote for his nominee puts them and his Republican Senate in jeopardy.

Justice Ginsburg was a champion for women’s rights and minority rights.  Any Conservative that Trump appoints, will be contrasted against RGB, and found solely wanting.  This will seriously affect Trump’s efforts to garner votes from the vast number of Independent and minority voters.

So Trump has at least six considerations to withhold filling the position until his next term.  He is working really hard to win re-election, which he has been campaigning for since the day he was first elected.  Why risk blowing his chances for an extra position on an already Conservative court?  What’s in it for Trump?  We know from his past, that he really doesn’t care about removing abortion rights anyway.

We haven’t even considered that Trump has a abominable record in vetting candidates.  Another failure and whitewash would bring up his previous controversial Supreme Court appointment, and all of his failed cabinet and White House staff appointments.

Of course, playing it safe and sane is not a choice that Trump makes.  So all of this may prove to be irrelevant tomorrow.

Posted in 2020 Election, Donald Trump, Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Supreme Court, Swing States, Tax Laws, Trump Administration, Trump's Logic, White House | Leave a comment

Questions About Trump’s Vaccination Schedule and Masking

Questions About Trump’s Vaccination Schedule and Masking

Trump had a news conference today about the vaccine question, with his distribution General, and his radiologist and “Fake” virus advisor, Dr. Scott Atlas.

Trump said that there would be 100 million doses by January, hundreds of millions a month after that, and everybody with doses by April.

I was taught with stated government needs for weapons, to be suspicious of round numbers.  What could be rounder than 100,000,000, doubly repeated even?

Trump also didn’t specify which vaccine or vaccines would be approved by when, and contribute to the 100 million.  Convenient.

The notice that the CDC sent to Governors showed about 20 million doses by each Moderna and Pfizer, making 40 million doses by January, which can vaccinate 20 million, with two doses each.

The vaccinations need two doses each, a month apart, and then two weeks to build up defenses.  That is a full month and a half to establish full immunity.  Trump didn’t state when a vaccine would be approved, or when the month and a half for immunity would be accomplished.  The IHME projected deaths show a sharp increase because of winter and maybe holiday behavior in December.  A false public perception that they are now “saved” in November and December could increase the infection and deaths rates.  

The number of projected deaths between November 1 and January 1, 2021, is 155,000, or 2,541 a day, double or triple recent days.  So really rapid distribution is very important, not the number available at the end of the period.  This is also important for the six weeks needed for immunity to take hold.  So a promise of January 1 is really too late for saving many lives, even if the most vulnerable and health care workers are vaccinated first.

The CDC estimate of 20 million people covered, is only 6.1% of the US population.  Trump’s statement of 100 million doses by January would cover 50 million people, or 15% of the American public.  Another 200 million in January would cover another 30%, and in February another 30%, and in March another 30%, so essentially the  country is really vaccinated and mostly immune by the start of April, as claimed.  But that is with 200 million a month.  In fact, Trump was talking about manufacturing, not actual distribution, which is much more involved, requiring hospitals and medical facilities for vaccine storage.

The math adds up, but the Trump administration has never delivered on any of its claims.  Yesterday, Trump said that almost 100 million Coronavirus tests have been performed. That is 7 and a half months into the pandemic, and only covers a third of the number of Americans, who need more than just one test over time.  Also, we now find that politicos in HHS put the advice on the CDC website that people should not get tested unless they had symptoms, even if they had contact with an infected person.  That was corrected today on the CDC website.  It could have only been set initially to cut down the number of detected cases to please Trump.  It certainly would have spread the Coronavirus by the presymptomatic and Asymptomatic, which are now known to be responsible for 35% of the infections.

Another trick that Trump has used, is if he says a certain number by January, he never says January 1, and he actually could mean by the end of January.  Yet when Trump wants to force negotiations, he clearly specifies a definite date, often just two weeks in the future.  That is a trick to get his way, since real negotiations take time.  We note that he is going to shut down TikTok, but not until after the election.

Yesterday, Trump said that everybody could get a vaccine, “if they want one”.  Trump doesn’t want to impinge on any of his contrarian and conspiratorial followers, and those that are taught not to trust the government.  Trump only reinforces them every day when he holds rallies without social distancing and without masking, with yelling enthusiasts, for hours, violating small group size restrictions, and even indoors now.  It’s what the President does, not what the CDC experts, Dr. Fauci, or the one million physicians in the United States say that counts to Trump’s followers.  

Personally, I don’t feel safe walking around knowing that 20% of the public, often Trump followers, are walking around, who also don’t mask or social distance or avoid infecting situations, or test, or who won’t stay home if sick.  I hope that businesses and institutions like schools and governments require vaccinations for their workers or attendees.

Nobody has yet asked, will Trump take one of the vaccines himself?  Remember, Trump doesn’t need to wear a mask, since he is protected by the Secret Service, who tests anybody who gets near him.  Also, Trump will have Secret Service protection for the rest of his life.  Remember, Trump claims to have taken hydroxychloroquine for two weeks, even when it was known to have caused heart complications, and was not approved by the FDA.  It would really be suspicious if he did not take the vaccine.

Mask wearing by 95% would save 116,000 American lives by January 1, instead of just limping along with the current 45% of Americans who wear masks.  Yet, we now know that masks protect the wearer, cutting the risk down to 1/3 of what it would be without a mask.  Dr. Redfield, Director of the CDC, said this under oath to Congress yesterday, yet it is still not on the CDC website.  In a day or two, we are going to reach 200,000 useless American deaths by the Coronavirus.

It was just revealed that in mid-April, the Trump Administration considered delivering 650 million masks to every household, but it was vetoed by the White House, so as “Not to Start a Panic”.   How many lives would that have saved?   Trump was asked about this at his press conference today, and he switched the subject to a rant on the Post Office.

Trump committed $13 billion to rebuilding the electrical grid and the pharmaceutical industry of Puerto Rico, three years after it was destroyed by hurricane Maria.  The political motivation is to get support from Puerto Rican voters who moved to Florida.  The reasons that I am including this, is that Trump is blatantly using his government position to buy votes, Trump and McConnell won’t give $25 billion to aid vote counting and making a fair election, and California needs tens of billions for the Coronavirus setbacks and the apocalyptic fire season.

It would have been so much more reassuring, if Trump had had any of the government experts give the announcement and reassurances.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

MSNBC Makes Serious Mistake on Number of Deaths for Herd Immunity

I am not recommending herd immunity at all, but correcting the MSNBC estimate of 7 million Coronavirus deaths for herd immunity, instead of 1.5 million deaths, which is bad enough itself.

On the ReidOut, they take the “apparent” death rate of the number of Coronavirus deaths in the US divided by the confirmed Coronavirus cases and get 3%.  But what is the real number of infected cases?  According to the IHME modeling, only 22% are confirmed by tests.

So the true fatality rate = deaths / (confirmed cases / 0.22) = 0.22 x “apparent death rate”

= 3% x 0.22 = 0.66%.

If herd immunity takes 70%, then with the 330 million US population, 231 million must be infected.

The number of fatalities is then 231 million x 0.0066 = 1.52 million.

This is, of course, 0.22 of the 6.93 million that they use.

I have written a ton of posts pushing 95% masking for the US based on the IHME calculations of lives that can be saved, compared to the current US 59% masking.  The latest number is that 116,500 deaths can be saved in the US to January 1, 2021.

The new results are that masking protects the wearer, reducing the risk of infection to 1/3, as Dr. Redfield testified yesterday.  Social distancing reduces the risk of infection to 1/10 of that without it.

Posted in 2020 Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

The Battle of the Masks (Shields) versus the Vaccine Injections (Swords)

The Battle of the Masks (Shields) versus the Vaccine Injections (Swords).

So, if you don’t have time to read the article, here is the zinger.  It doesn’t have to be a battle between the vaccine and the mask.  Get the vaccine and wear the mask!  And then also social distance!  If the mask reduces the risk to 1/3, and the vaccine reduces the risk to 1/3, both together reduce the risk to 1/9 or lets call it 1/10.  Then, social distancing reduces the risk by another 1/10.  With all three, the risk is reduced to 1/10 x 1/10 = 1/100, or 1%.  Bazinga!

Trump vs. Redfield (CDC).  Fight 1.  Today.  3 pm PST.

Trump vs. Biden.  Fight 2.  Nov. 3rd.  Plus all week for counting all mail in ballots, and maybe all month for Trump court appeals.

Just when Trump needs to boost confidence in a vaccine, a new battle emerges with his Director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, over the vaccination schedule, and the importance of masks, of all things.  Oddly, this occurs after Michael Caputo at HHS takes a 60 day recovery trip after trying to alter CDC science reports.

A CBS poll found that only 22% would get a vaccine as soon as possible, 58% would wait and see, and 21% would never get one.  

In sworn Senate testimony, Redfield said that the mask, which can stop 70% of infections, is your best bet, even over the vaccination.  Trump immediately challenged this, with a story of how waiters might touch their mask and then deliver someone’s food.  How many of your weekly interactions are of this type?  They don’t actually touch the food, even before the pandemic.  In Trump’s main campaign to restart the economy, including restaurants, this was exactly the wrong example to make.  I have been talking about this revolutionary change in masking, that it highly protects the wearer.    People in restaurants don’t wear masks when they are eating and drinking, so they are only protected by the waiters’ wearing masks.  Winner?  Redfield, knockout in round 1.

Trump also made fun of Biden’s wearing a mask, even when he is separated from people.  Well, Trump forgot about Coronavirus aerosols, which can go over 20 feet, and linger for an hour.  There is also no excuse for Trump smashing yelling, unmasked people together in his rallies for hours.  Winner?  Biden in round 1.  At another interview about the safety of his rallies, Trump only answered that he was far from the audience, and therefore safe.  That was not in Trump’s copy of “How to win friends and influence people”.

Redfield also gave a standard timeline for vaccine availability, which is standard among scientists, and was sent by the CDC to State governments.  It puts off vaccines for most people until Summer or Fall 2021.

Operation Warp Speed hypertexted back to Earth the following availability schedule, where a dose is one shot, and two doses are needed.  Sanjay Gupta on CNN seemed to imply that Vaccine A is Moderna’s, eventually producing 300 million doses, and Vaccine B is Pfizer’s, producing 800 million doses.  By the end of December 2020, the sum of the doses would only be 35 million to 45 million, meaning roughly 20 million would be completely vaccinated, about 6.1% of Americans.  Trump seemed to imply that 79 million elderly and health care workers would be vaccinated by the end of January.

The IHME projections do not include vaccinations, but they use 45% masking for the US now, so the 6% vaccinated could probably be included as 51% masking, but not help much to reach the desired 95% masking.  However, the 6% willing to get vaccinated, may already be among the 45% smart or fearful enough to already be masked.  California is taken as 60% masked, and the World is 59% masked.

The vaccines need to be stored in dry ice, but that used to be a quite common form of storage in days of old.

Recall, 45% of Americans are old or have co-morbidities.  The requirement for an approved vaccine is only 50% effectiveness, but what does that mean?  A vaccine should generate a protective response in every taker, but in what percent will it be enough to stop hospitalization or death?  That may be the question.  Hopes are that vaccines will reach 70% effectiveness.  BUT, 50% effectiveness means 50% less infections in the two months of the trial compared to those not vaccinated, mostly with healthy people, in average circumstances.  They don’t even know how long the vaccine protection lasts.  For that matter, they do not know how long one is immune after first getting the Coronavirus.    Flu vaccines are less effective for older people, so they get a double strength shot.  Flu vaccines can expire after six months.  The Coronavirus is much more complicated than ordinary viruses, and includes error corrections, so it will not just die out, or easily mutate to require a new vaccine.

Masks in general can protect forever, but changing them is recommended.  I bought ten surgical masks in my market for $6 last week. Today I saw a package of KP95 masks, but the price on it was $105, which shocked me, until I saw that it contained 20.  Redfield appealed to 6 to 8 to 12 weeks of wearing masks to bring the virus under control.  Remember, that 116,000 US lives can be saved by January 1 by complete masking.  It’s obvious how masks work.  After six months, I still can’t explain how a given vaccine works.  In addition, social distancing is now said to reduce the probability of infection to 1/10.

Maybe these numbers will all be clarified tomorrow, or more probably, all be changed by tomorrow.  Three things won’t change.  The need to wear a mask, to social distance, and Trump’s flouting of masks.  I think that Trump needs the vaccines to win out, so that he can take credit for them, and win re-election.  Oh, but you already knew that.

The elderly over 80, and with comorbidities with a 10% apparent fatality rate, should jump to get it, in my opinion.  According to Trump, they are high on the priority list.  So of course are health care workers, essential workers, the vulnerable with comorbidities, and vulnerable minorities.  There is still no evidence that the National Academy of Medicine or a blue ribbon committee or the CDC set the priorities, but they sound reasonable.  The states and communities eventually distribute the shots, probably at special health facilities.

Posted in 2020 Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

Why Didn’t Trump Rake the Gulf to Prevent Hurricane Sandy?

Why Didn’t Trump Rake the Gulf to Prevent Hurricane Sandy?

Just like Trump flew to California to tell us to “rake” our forests, of which he controls the 58% in National Forests, Trump controls 12 miles off-shore of the entire United States.  It is his responsibility to stop all storms, waves, and storm surges that enter the 12 mile limit.  He also could have stopped the Category 2 Sandy on the beaches of the Florida panhandle, Alabama, and Mississippi.  Or forbid the floods to go up federal rivers.

Hurricane Sandy is moving slowly and dropping up to 3 feet of rain.  It’s winds are at 75 mph, but were at 105 mph, with gusts up to 125 mph.  Storm surge is 4 to 7 feet.  Lots of flooding, bridge damaged, trees knocked down, and power out which may not be restored until the weekend.

Fortunately, these are Republican States and the toss-up Republican Florida, so Trump will provide them plentiful aid, which he won’t give to Democratic States of the Wildfire Apocalypse of California, Oregon, and Washington. 

I can’t wait for Trump to fly into Florida and counter the climate scientists there.  Oh, I forgot, Governor, now Senator, Rick Scott banned any state mention of global warming or climate change.  That includes the rapid acceleration of storm categories in the Gulf, to category 1, 2, and 3, from the warm Gulf waters.  At least, Trump can reassure the Gulfites that the rain will eventually stop, and so will the winds.  Just like he reassured Californians, that it would eventually cool down.  Who knew?

At least Trump stopped off-shore drilling around Florida, something that he has not extended to other states.

But let’s not forget Trump’s four years of high intensity removal on global warming emissions restrictions from power plants, stopping improvements in automotive fuel emission standards, allowing emissions of methane, putting tariffs on solar panels and wind turbines from China, and removing State waivers to set their own standards.  While plans were afoot to make substantial reductions in one, two, and three decades, we have lost four crucial years, plus the time and work necessary to pass laws restoring reductions with Congressional action.  The effective reduction of American influence in leading Paris Agreements upon our intended withdrawal, has undoubtedly slowed the worldwide processes.  The severe immigration restrictions have denied us talented students, faculty, and scientists to help us become a leader in climate action.

Trump once told Scientific American that there was no global warming since the highest temperature of 134º F was obtained in Death Valley a century ago.  Well, that is in dispute, since other temperatures in the area weren’t at records.  This Summer, however, Death Valley did reach a record 130º F, so there, by Trump’s own chosen criteria.  In its 175 year history, Scientific American has never endorsed a Presidential candidate.  But they just endorsed Joe Biden, denouncing Trump for his negligence and diminution of science in handling the very lethal Coronavirus pandemic.

At least Trump could put on a pair of boots and show us how to rake the pounding waves out of the Gulf waters.

Posted in 2020 Election, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Fire Risks, Humor | Leave a comment

The Odds of Getting Infected at a Trump Rally are Disgustingly High

The Odds of Getting Infected at a Trump Rally are Disgustingly High

Trump has continued daily rallies with fans packed as close together as possible, and who don’t wear masks.  Their behavior time together also lead to infection vulnerability.  The only grace, is that some of them are outdoors.  We expound on these behaviors, indicate known infection factors, and speculate on infectious proclivities of the participants.

First, we list the protective factors of the rallies.  One is that there may be a temperature screening.  Only about 1/3 of the infected show a temperature, so this is limited.  Another protective factor, is that the rallies are held outdoors.  Outdoor infections are about 1/18 as likely as indoor infections.  However, crowded hangers with little breeze are not fully outdoors.  A third factor is that people not admitted to hospitals are only infective for 14 days, the period of quarantining, and highly infective for only a few days.  The counter to that, is that there are superinfectors, who can infect entire rooms.

It is now known that masks protect the wearer, cutting down the risk of infection to 1/3 of that unmasked.  They of course also protect others if the wearer is infected.  While I feel that a portion of attendees would normally wear masks, they may feel social pressure in the rallies to not stand out among the faithful.

It is now known that social distancing cuts the risk of infection by a factor of 1/10.  This may refer to droplets at 6 feet, but aerosols can travel further and stay airborne for periods of an hour.  None of those numbers is really precise.

Putting the two above factors naively show that attendees are 30 times more likely to be infected at a Trump rally, as opposed to a masked social distancing event with the average population.  If they are in a nice breezy outdoor setting, and not for a long time, 15 minutes is used, they may be okay.   However, Trump speaks for an hour or more, and screened admissions might be slow.  There also may be introductory speakers, and a concert of music before exiting.

Of course, the main sources of contagion are people in the first 2 or 3 days of infection, when they are presymptomatic and have no symptoms.  The most dangerous people are the 40% who remain asymptomatic, and can infect others for the quarantining period of 14 days.

Here come the incalculables that Trump rallies are not with the average population, but the most dangerous infectious subset.  The rally behavior is also the most infectious imaginable.  Enthusiasts are standing and cheering or chanting slogans loudly, the ideal behavior for oral transmission and ideal for superspreaders.  Chanters are standing literally inches behind those in front of them.  For hours.

Another restriction violated by Trump rallies is the size of the crowd.  The more people gathering in a compact group, the more infected people you and all others are exposed to, and the greater the probability of being in the presence of a superspreader.

If you ask the participants, they will give you all of the reasons why they are the most dangerous crowd that can be assembled.  They have been thoroughly indoctrinated by Fox News, by Trump himself, and by Trump favoring social media, to believe that the Coronavirus is not a danger.  Either:  it is no worse than a cold; it is no worse than the flu; it is a Hoax; it’s Fake; I am young and healthy, therefore safe; only old people catch it and die; only minorities get it and die; masking gives up my freedom; masking is not masculine; only 6% of those dying from the Coronavirus actually die from the virus itself; social distancing is whatever; and you have to ask them, I really can’t imagine conspiracy ones.  Therefore, they have been ignoring all safety behavior, and easily going to parties, bars, crowded restaurants, and hanging out with similarly dangerous people.  With the non-dangerous beliefs, they are not going to test, not going to doctors, not going to quarantine, and not going to skip work or a rally if they are sick, or had contact with a sick person.  Maximally Dangerous.

Please don’t get me wrong.  I am not putting these people down.  Anybody can become indoctrinated with different things.  We normally just live with these, and choose our friends.  The problem is when they become dangerous to themselves and others.  But many people are just living their lives, without spending their entire lives learning about the Coronavirus.  

Why does Trump do this?  First, he is the world’s biggest EGO.  Second, he has chosen as his “scientific” advisor Dr. Atlas, who is a believer in herd immunity, and a Trump rally is designed to bring that about as soon as possible.  Third, nobody knows.

Finally, and very serious, is that Trump rally attendees are not the very young and healthy who are most likely to walk away from the virus asymptomatically, or with no hospitalization or physiological damage.  They are not the crowd to use to obtain herd immunity.  For example, obesity has been measured by states and by counties, and Republican ones have more obesity, although by a percentage, not a factor.  Obesity is a known factor for Coronavirus complications and deaths.  In general, 45% of the population have old age or other comorbidity factors.

But, unfortunately, we are still not done.  Nobody gets a list of attendees with their IDs and addresses and phone numbers.  I suspect that the Secret Service may well require these for invitations or entrance.  But nobody can contact trace or give after-tests to scientifically find out how infectious the rallies are.  

What is the point of this article?  That the rallies are even more dangerous than we imagine, but it is purposely hard to verify that.

Posted in 2020 Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Health Care | Leave a comment

Mother Nature is Heating Up, and Getting Into Trump’s Head About Raking

Mother Nature Is Heating Up, and Getting Into Trump’s Head About Raking

People trying to comprehend Trump have to get inside his head.  His life is not like our lives, so you have to role play into his life.

Trump owned 17 golf courses when he became President.  He is also supposedly a micro-manager (I doubt if he even does most of his tweets.  He even has Sarah Cooper giving most of his short speeches on TikTok, twitter, and YouTube, with much more expression than he does.)

Us city folk have no idea what an acre is.  So I looked up how many acres there are in a golf course.  In a modern golf course there are 150.  In a standard one there are 75.

So if we take the 3,000,000 acres burned in California’s fires (3.15 million now), and simply divide by 150 acres per golf course, we easily get 20,000 golf courses.  That is about 1,200 times the acreage in all of Trump’s golf courses.

Now of course all leaves have to be removed from Trump’s golf courses, since you never know where he is going to whack it.  Also, we know he takes a lot of mulligans.  He can have the leaves blown to the sides with leaf-blowers, but they still have to be RAKED up.  Hunting for a golf ball under broad leaves is impossible.  I imagine in the fall, golf courses have to be raked daily.

Trump charges about $100 for a round of golf, so he has plenty of money to pay to get his courses cleaned.  To rake even the fraction of California area covered by the fires, would cost 1,200 times his entire golf course budget.

Trump is thinking of East Course trees with large leaves. California fires are in chaparral brush, with no leaves, and in pine forests, with needles that can’t be raked.

The total acreage of California is 105,000,000.  That is the size of 700,000 golf courses (Trump would be salivating at that).  The 3.15 million acres burned is now 3% of California’s area.

Every time (twice) that Trump has come out here to give us fire advice, he is gently told by Governor Brown or Newsom that Trump, as President, manages 57% of California forest land in National Forests, and the state only owns 3%.

Trump told us about trees falling down, and drying out to become tinder.  Thanks a lot.  There are 150 million dead trees in California, 130 million of which are in his National Forests.  They died from drought, heat waves, and pine bark beetles.  They dry out and burn even while they are still standing.

Trump has the gall to deny Climate Change, even after we have record July temperatures and a record average temperature in August.  Trump says that it will cool down.  Well duh!  Yes, after months of records and going into fall, of course it will seasonally cool down.   That solves nothing, and it will be back next summer.

I would really like to see the watering records and bills for Trump’s Palos Verdes Los Angeles golf course over the years.  Maybe Congress could subpoena them.  That would bring home climate change.

Trump was getting a lot of flak for not visiting California during our natural fire and heat wave disasters.  So he made a brief stop between his infectoramas in Nevada and Arizona, two states also with blistering temperatures.  These states are also suffering from loss of incomes and jobs from Trump’s backward responses to the Coronavirus.  

I can’t take it in Trump’s mind any longer.

These 14,000 firefighters and millions of residents are really going to need extra healthcare from breathing in all of the small particulate air pollution.  

Speaking of Mother Nature heating up, hurricane Sandy was supposed to hit the Gulf coast as a Category 1, but then became a Category 2.  Briefly it was predicted to even hit Category 3 at 111 mph.  This rapid heating is from the warm Gulf waters.  The hurricane will send flood waters around New Orleans.

Even more unusual is that there are now 5 tropical depressions at once in Atlantic waters.  This is only the second time that that has occurred.  To the tune of “All Tangled Up In Blue” by Bob Dylan, we present:

“And I was standin’ on the side of the road, Rain fallin’ on my shoes, Heading out for the east coast, Lord knows I’ve paid some dues, Gettin through, Tangled up in blue.”

In was on August 25, three weeks ago, that I had noted Mother Nature and Climate Change were making themselves an issue in the election.  And here they are back again, and again in spectacular fashion.

Posted in 2020 Election, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Fire Risks, Humor | Leave a comment

Saving Global Lives by Coronavirus Masking by IHME, and Projected Leading Countries for Deaths

We use the IHME Global projections to show that 38% of Global Deaths to January 1 can be saved by total masking.  We also show the countries with leading numbers of deaths by January 1 in IHME projections, and the number of lives that can be saved in those by masking.

The IHME projects 2.778 million deaths by the Coronavirus by January 1, 2021.  With 95% masking, that can be reduced to 2.063 million deaths, saving 715,000 lives.

Currently, the Global deaths by the Coronavirus is 0.923 million.  This means that 1.855 million more will die by January 1 in the projections.  The ratio of the 0.715 million to the 1.855 million is 0.385.  So 38.5% of new deaths by January 1 can be saved by masking.

It has now been shown that wearing a mask reduces the risk of infection to the wearer by 2/3.  It also limits the spread of droplets and aerosols from the wearer to others.  Social distancing reduces the risk of catching the virus to 1/10 the risk of not social distancing.

We present a table of leading countries with Projected Deaths on January 1.  We first list in the table the Present Deaths in those countries, then follow Projected Deaths with Deaths with Masking, and end with Lives Saved by Masking.  The projections are from the Sept. 11 IHME projections.  We stopped the list at 20,000 projected deaths.

Country Present Deaths Projected Deaths Deaths with Masking Lives Saved by Masking
India 78,586 646,794 458,081 188,713
US 194,069 415,090 298,589 116,501
Brazil 131,625 185,495 169,066 16,429
Mexico 70,821 138,416 129,218 9,198
Russia 18,517 104,416 31,096 73,320
France 30,903 80,829 66,732 14,097
UK 41,717 69,548 59,819 9,729
Spain 29,747 67,651 65,593 2,058
Italy 35,610 61,209 46,364 14,845
Philippines 4,371 57,850 57,457 393
Turkey 7,056 53,658 49,301 4,357
Iran 23,157 44,509 29,539 14,970
Peru 30,526 44,415 44,201 214
Iraq 8,019 31,181 17,195 13,986
Germany 9,354 29,505 12,002 17,503
Indonesia 8,723 28,960 20,330 8,630
Canada 9,220 26,042 19,200 6,842
Netherlands 6,292 24,836 8,410 16,426
Bangladesh 4,733 24,611 8,878 15,733
S. Africa 15,447 20,340 19,646 694

The three countries with the largest number of lives saved by masking are India with 189,000, the US with 117,000, and Russia with 73,000.  Together, they add up to 378,534 lives saved, or 53% of the world total.  India alone makes up 26% of the world total of savable lives by masking, and the US is 16%.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment