Being Vaccinated and Boosted Reduces Covid Deaths of Seniors by a Factor of 10

In mid-2022, being vaccinated and boosted reduced the mortality of those 65 and over to only 10% of the unvaccinated in that age group.

Since April 2022 to September 2022, for the senior 65 and over population, Covid deaths have been 40% unvaccinated, 22% primary vaccinations only, and 39% vaccinated and boosted.  We apportion this to the vaccination status of those seniors, which is 7% unvaccinated, 26% only primary vaccinations, and 67% vaccinated and boosted.

The ratios of the percentages are then:

unvaccinated, 40%/7% = 5.7;

primary vaccinations only, 22%/26% = 0.85; and

vaccinated and boosted, 39%/67% = 0.58.

So the primary vaccinations reduced the morbidity to 0.85/5.7 = 0.15 or 15% of the unvaccinated.

The vaccination and boosted reduced the morbidity for seniors to 0.58/5.7 = 0.10 or 10% of the unvaccinated, or by a factor of 10.

As an newer addition, with the new bivalent booster, the CDC has stated that for people ages 12 and over, it has reduced the risk of death by a factor of 15 over an unvaccinated person.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

Covid Mortality Currently Increasing a Factor of 3 for Each Decade Among the Elderly

The Washington Post has data for the increase in percent of covid deaths by decade among those 65 years and over.  This is for the month of October for the current viral mix.  We divide this by the population in each of the same age segments, to show that the Fatality Rate is increasing a factor of about 3.3 for each decadal increase in age among seniors.

Unfortunately, the data does not include whether those succumbing were fully vaccinated and boosted, although the overall rate of vaccination among seniors is high, as shown in the previous blog article.

As the CDC is reminding people, we now have the bivalent Covid vaccine, high quality masks, crowd avoidance, increased ventilation if indoors, and rapid home tests as protective measures at our disposal at low or no costs.   There are also antiviral medicines to take after infection.

The following table has the three senior age groups, the size of the population in them for the US in millions, and the Percent of the US Population that they are.  That is followed by the Percent of Deaths in that age group in October, 2022.  Finally is the Ratio of Percents representing the Covid Mortality as currently occurring by senior age groups.

Age Group Population Percent Pop. Percent of Deaths Ratio of Percents
85+ 6.6 m 2.0% 41.4% 20.7
75 to 84 16 m 4.8% 30% 6.3
65 to 74 31.5 m 9.5% 17.5% 1.84
1 to 64 278 m 83.7% 11.1% 0.13

The ratio between the Ratio of Percents for 85+ to (75 to 84) is 3.33.

The ratio between the Ratio of Percents for (75 to 84) to (65 to 74) is 3.42.

So over 65, each decade of increased age, and of course with them more health complications, increases the mortality from Covid by a factor of about 3.3 or 3.4.

The importance of this message if for seniors to get the latest booster and obey all of the precautions that you can, as well as choosing to isolate and FaceTime or Zoom, or only mix with those willing to take the avoidance precautions that your age and susceptibility deserves.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Vaccine Distributions | Leave a comment

Full Vaccinations for the US and the Four Largest States, Including by Ages

The data are from The NY Times for the US, the largest states of CA, TX, FL, and NY.  We also include the local counties of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego in California.

Nationally, 68% are fully vaccinated, meaning the first two original shots, and 34% of all ages are boosted.  For those most vulnerable, 65 and over, 93% are fully vaccinated, and 67% have at least one booster shot.  For the latest bivalent booster, as of November 18, only 35 million or 11% have gotten that.  They are now available for ages 5 and up for Pfizer and ages 6 and up for Moderna.

This table is the full and booster vaccinations for CA, TX, FL, and NY, and the age breakdown for full vaccinations for those states.

Full All Ages 74% 62% 69% 79%
Booster All 42% 23% 29% 38%
5 to 11 39% 28% 22% 40%
12 to 17 75% 60% 57% 75%
18 to 64 82% 70% 74% 88%
65+ 93% 88% 93% 95%

We see that seniors, who are most at risk, have achieved high levels of full vaccination.  The Republican states of Texas and Florida lag the Democratic states of California and New York.  Together, these four states contain a third of the US population.

This table has the full and booster vaccinations for all and for 65+ of the three counties surrounding UC Irvine:  Orange County, Los Angeles County, and San Diego County.

Age Orange Los Angeles San Diego
All Full 74% 74% 79%
65+ Full 93% 88% 95%
All Booster 43% 42% 41%
65+ Booster 75% 72% 74%

Again, ages 65+ have achieved high full vaccination rates, and fairly good full vaccinations for all.  Booster rates are fairly good for 65+, but only around 40% of the entire population.  The three counties are quite similar.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

IHME Covid Projections to March 1, 2023, for the United States

IHME Covid Projections to March 1, 2023 for the US

This article includes the IHME model projections, now until March 1, 2023.  As usual, I am not a doctor or an epidemiologist so this is not to be considered authoritative, nor do I represent UC Irvine in this.

The November 17 IHME model projections are that Covid total deaths in the US are 1.3 times the reported deaths.  The infection detection is only at 5%.  97% of Americans have been infected at least once.  BA.5 is the most common variant in the model.  Recent data show that BQ.1 and BQ1.1 are now about half, and BA.5 is about a quarter of infections.  Masking is down to only 8%.  70% are fully (doubly) vaccinated, which will rise to 74% by March 1.  Immunity to BA5 from infection or vaccination is at 65%.

On March 1, in IHME, daily infections are projected at 1.3 million per day, which could be reduced to 60% of that or 0.77 million per day with 80% masking.  Daily hospital occupancy by Covid patients would peak at 35,000 around mid February, and could be a minimum with 80% masking of about 9,500 in mid January.

In the IHME model, hospitalizations will peak about 34,700 around mid February, which could be reduced to a peak around 9,500 in mid January with 80% masking.  Daily infections on March 1 are around 1.3 million a day, which could be reduced to about 0.8 million a day then with 80% masking. 

We are most concerned with the vaccinations of the elderly, and the distribution and effectiveness of the new bivalent vaccine for the original Covid and the BA.5 variant.  This is most important during the winter and holiday season, especially today, one day after Thanksgiving, and on store crowding Black Friday.

From The NY Times, hospitalization for Covid is at 22,200.  A year ago it was double that at 45,000, and two years ago is was 3.5 times that at 78,000.

Only 35 million Americans or 12% of adults or 11% of age 5 or older have received the new bivalent booster.  The government has purchased 170 million doses, or enough for half of all Americans.

Posted in BA.5 Variant, Coronavirus, COVID-19, IHME Projections, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

IHME Global Covid Projections to February, 2023

The Global Death Rate from Covid will remain relatively low through the next three months, only increasing from about 1,660 to about 2,750 per day, or 65%.  The modeled Total Death rate is about 1.7 times the Global Reported Death Rate.  Covid deaths have fallen to 1/17th of the rate of the sum of heart and stroke deaths.  Covid is now the 17th highest cause of death globally.  Global daily deaths are down to 0.025 per 100,000 per day.

As of October 17th, 75% of the world’s 7.9 billion population has been infected by Covid.  Outside of China, that is about 90 percent.  Infection detection globally is only about 3%.

BA.5 is the dominant variant and is of the Omicron variety.  The infection fatality rate is less than 0.2%.

24% of the world is masking.  About 69% have received one vaccine shot, and 64% are fully vaccinated with two shots.  Those unvaccinated and unboosted are at risk of long Covid.

The IHME model has 17.678 million Global Covid Total Deaths as of October 29.  The Reported Deaths are only 7.143 million deaths, which is only 40% of the modeled Total Deaths.  The Total Deaths three months from now on February 1 are projected at 18.031 million, or an increase of 353,000, or 2.0% more Total Deaths.

Global Hospitalizations on October 29 are given as 245,000, with 14% of those in ICUs.  On February 1 these are projected to increase 4.5% to 258,000 with 13.4% in ICUs.

Estimated Daily Global Infections on February 1 are predicted to be 18.6 million a day, up 12% from 16.6 million a day on October 29.

The following map shows that vaccinations are generally low in Africa, as shown by red-yellow colors, and medium in Russia and Ukraine.


The following map shows per 100k capita Covid Reported and Total or Cumulative Deaths.      The red, orange, and beige colors are largest, covering Russia, South America, some of Africa, and Southern US states.


Posted in Africa, BA.5 Variant, China, Coronavirus, COVID-19, IHME Projections, Russia, Ukraine, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

IHME Covid Projections for China to February, 2023

The very low number of Covid deaths in China look like it will peak and then somewhat decline.  However, by February, the total deaths are only projected to be 8.4 per 100,000, compared to 417 per 100k in the US, a factor of 50 lower.  The IHME projections are always much smaller than occur for China, since China sticks to the Zero Covid lockdowns and testing.  The latest 5 year Congress has only strengthened Xi Jinping’s command for another five years, and determination to stick with that policy.  The projections for 80% masking from the current 59% will only save 7.4% of the future lives lost.

87% of Chinese will have been fully vaccinated by February 1.  Mask use is 59% countrywide.  The Chinese vaccine CanSino is 48% effective against severe disease, and 32% against infection.  The vaccine Sinopharm is 53% effective against severe disease and 35% against infection.

The Total Deaths by February 1 are 117,840, and with 22,192 modeled on October 26, leaves 95,648 to occur by February 1.  With a population of 1.4 billion, this is only 8.42 per 100k, compared to the projection for 417 Total Deaths per 100k in the United States, or one fiftieth of it.  With 80% masking, there are projected to be 110,717 deaths by February 1, saving 7,123, or only 7.4% of those to occur.

Total Daily Deaths on October 26 are modeled at only 167, or 0.01 per 100k.  By February 1 they will be 1,294 a day, or 0.09 per 100k.  With 80% masking there will be 1,184 a day or 0.08 per 100k.  With antiviral medicines, this will be 1,040 a day, or 0.07 per 100k.  Currently, death by Covid is only the 77th ranked cause of death in China.

Hospitalizations on February 1 are projected at 68,329, including 6,749 or 9.9% in the ICU.  On October 26, they are modeled at 17,258, with 1,710 in ICUs or 9.9%.

Infections per day now are modeled at 1.10 million per day,   They will peak on November 17 at 2.79 million a day.  With 80% masking this will only be reduced by 6.3%.

Only 8% of Chinese have been infected as of October 17.  The infection detection rate is only 2%.  Immunity against the Delta variant is estimated at 35% now, to grow to 42% by February 1.  BA.1/BA.2 is active in 31 locations, and immunity to it is 19% to rise to 26%.  BA.5 is active in 33 locations, and immunity to it is 17% now, to rise to 23%.

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IHME Covid Projections for the US to February, 2023

Pretty much steady as she goes.  The latest run was using data up to October 18.

Total deaths on February 1 are 1,389,053.  Subtracting the model total for October 27 of 1,353,396 gives 35,653 more deaths to go.  Again, I keep the exact model numbers just for subtractions and ratios.  With 80% masking, the total deaths to go would be reduced by 7,272, saving 20%.

Current masking is only at 8%.  Full initial two vaccinations by February 1 are 74%.  Most of the new infections are of the BA.5 variant at 75%-89% for all states. Infections of BA.1/BA.2 is 10%-24% for all states.  Immunity through infection or vaccination from BA.1/BA.2 variants is 62%, and from BA.5 is 57%.  There are graphs for these by states later on.  The effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against severe disease by Omicron is modeled at 72%, and against infection is 44%.  The effectiveness of the Moderna vaccine against severe disease is 73%, and against infection is 48%, quite similar to the Pfizer effectiveness.

Total Deaths per day in the model on October 27 are 382, of which 303 are reported.  Total Deaths will slightly dip, and then increase to 435 per day on February 1, while reported deaths will be at 335 per day.  With 80% masking, Total Deaths per day would be 319 per day on February 1, or 73%.

Hospitalizations on October 27 are modeled at 24,152, including 2,783 in ICUs, or 11.5%.  On February 1, these would be about the same at 25,790, with 3,028 in ICUs, or 11.7%.

Estimated Daily Infections on October 27 are modeled at 762,557 per day, which will increase to 1,011,810 per day on February 1.  With 80% masking, this could be reduced to 80% of those, or 812,360 per day.  The infection fatality rate is less than 0.2%.

Here is their map by states of Reported and modeled Total Deaths per 100,000 population.  The projection for February 1 is that US Total Deaths will be 417 per 100k.  It is currently at 408 per 100k.

Southern states are mostly >= 400 per 100k.  California and others are 300-349 Total Deaths per 100k, while Reported deaths are 200-249 per 100k. Washington and Wisconsin are exceptionally good at 200-229 Total Deaths per 100k.

Below are the maps by states of those who received one or two of the first vaccines.  Now, we have a one shot bivalent booster vaccine which covers the original Covid and the omnipresent BA.5 Omicron variant.  Only about 6% of the US population has gotten it so far.

Again, some southern states are content with 50%-60% fully vaccinated.


Posted in BA.5 Variant, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections, Omicron Variant, Vaccine Distributions, Variants of Covid-19 | Leave a comment

My Midterm Election Opinions, Part II

Election Opinions, Part II

As usual, I will try to back up my opinions on the midterm election with facts.  Those who wish to continue living in their fact-free universe should not read any further.  

The increases in crime are a key election subject of the Republican Party.  However, Paul Krugman and others have pointed out that crime has increased in Red states as well as in Blue states, and in rural as well as urban regions.  Without ever presenting comprehensive statistics, Republicans select very limited ones to make another false point.  In the report “The Red State Murder Problem”, at, while the 2020 national average murder rate was 6.5 per 100,000, the worst states were:  Mississippi (20.50); Louisiana (15.79); Kentucky (14.32); Alabama (14.2); and Missouri (14).  All more than twice the national average.  On average, murder rates are 40% higher in that 25 states that Trump won in 2020.  California’s murder rate was 5.59 per hundred thousand.  The worst crime county in California is Kern County, with Bakersfield.  This is represented by Kevin McCarthy, the past and perhaps future Republican Speaker of the House.

Krugman has also pointed out that a major part of inflation was the increase in the cost of rents, which is now already behind us.

In good economic news, the US GDP grew in the third quarter at a yearly rate of 2.6%.

Other authors have pointed out that the Republicans have no proposals for inflation fighting legislation, only cuts in Social Security and Medicare, which will further harm retirees or those planning retirement.  Since the election of President Barack Obama in 2009, Senate Republican leader McConnell’s approach has been to stonewall all Democratic legislation.  Electing a Senate or House Republican majority will only block any and all Biden legislation to reduce inflation or to mitigate its affects on poor or retired Americans.  It is exactly the opposite approach needed for those whose main issue is inflation.  Since Republicans are the party backed and funded by the oil industry, which is gorging on inflated profits, they are also the last to act to reduce the price of gasoline or natural gas.

Another Republican falsehood is that asylum seeking border crossers who instantly turn themselves into authorities are somehow the best that drug smugglers can do.  This after they cross a river with only a backpack, after monthlong treks from Venezuela.  Actually, there are $325 billion in imports from Mexico a year, and 350 million legal border crossings a year from Mexico.  Even if there are a million asylum seekers a year crossing with backpacks, there are 350 times as many crossing with trucks, cars, and busses.  As far as truck, rail, and air imports of goods, there would be $325,000 of goods for each asylum seeker in which to hide a small package of fentanyl, say.  Numbers destroy this false Republican argument.

As a physicist and an applied mathematician, I keep thinking about how to have 7 million imported voters or space lasers or other schemes to reverse 7 million votes in the 2020 election.  In detail, each of the schemes becomes more and more physically impossible.  Have the election deniers or conspiracy theorists ever examined any of their vague ideas in detail?  We know that the courts have thrown out the 61 cases brought by Trump’s so-called lawyers.  Lead enthusiast Ron DeSantis was only able to find 20 cases in the state of Florida, which in fact were released convicts who had served their sentences, and were okayed to be voters by election boards.  It was really on DeSantis that they were okayed if they should not have been.  Maybe sentence DeSantis to the long prison terms awaiting these innocent victims of state incompetence.  We must also remember that the actual voters of Florida passed a bill to allow ex-cons to resume their voting rights, but the legislature and Governor DeSantis found every reason possible to complicate that.  Their action would probably be declared unconstitutional by any fair court.  Voting rights is the fundamental basis of our Democracy, and is to be protected at all costs.  345 Republican candidates in the midterm election are election deniers.  They are either seriously incapable of logic, or just plain liars.  Either of those should disqualify them as far as voters are concerned.

This brings us to the Pennsylvania Senate race between Democrat John Fetterman, who is Lieutenant Governor for the last three years, versus Dr. Oz, who is from New Jersey, another multimillionaire worth about 200 million dollars.  Dr. Oz was on a health advisory committee for President Trump, but it is not clear what role he played in fighting Covid.  John Fetterman was also Mayor of Braddock for 13 years.  He also has a Master of Public Policy degree from Harvard University.  John Fetterman had a stroke, something that is going to happen to about 25% of Americans.  It is impossible to write off a quarter of Americans because of this.  There are about 800,000  strokes a year.  Most of stroke recovery occurs during the first three months, and he has apparently done well.  Statistically, the odds are 2/3 that he would live another 20 years.  Even if there are some speech and hearing difficulties, he has 16 years of governing experience compared to little for Dr. Oz.  Senators also have vast staffs for guidance, party staff to write and examine legislation, congressional committees for hearings and studies, the Congressional Budget office, and studies from the vast executive branches and also private organizations, like the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine.  In an equally divided Senate, after contributing and backing legislation, there is little option other than to vote with the party.  There is no indication that Dr. Oz will have the experience to do anything other than follow the fossil fuel lobbyists which back and fund his party, as well as the big Pharma which has funded his tv career.  While oil and natural gas production are considered large businesses in Pennsylvania, they have jumped to $9.4 billion a year.  But out of a state GDP of $844 billion, they are only 1.1%, and only employ about 5,000 workers.  So while Fetterman is now for fracking, which is most of the production, the fact that he wasn’t four years ago when they were polluting more should not be a big deal.

Dr. Oz made a serious error in their debate when he said that in the doctor’s office with a pregnant woman, the local authorities would be present to give advice.  Actually, under anti-abortion laws of the states, the local authority would be a policeman with his gun drawn and hadcuffs out to immediately arrest the abortion doctor and have him sentenced to long terms in prison.  It is possible that even giving abortion advice, writing a prescription for an abortion pill, or recommending contraceptives will be outlawed in some states by the uncompromising abortion opposition organizations.  Dr. Oz said that he would not back a national anti-abortion law.  Like five of the Republican SCOTUS justices have lied to the Senate in their hearings about leaving Roe v. Wade alone, this is probably just another lie, since his statement said he believes the state should be banning it.  

In summary, none of the universally cited Republican issues are valid or will be alleviated by electing them.

Posted in 2022 Election, Congress, Constitution, Democracy, Economies, Fossil Fuel Energy, Freedoms, Gasoline, Governors and State Legislatures, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health Care, Inflation, Kavanaugh, Natural Gas, Oil, Politics, Supreme Court, US Oil | Leave a comment

Select Countries in the Global Women Index of Inclusion, Justice, and Security for 2021/22

We examine the ratings of large countries and countries of concern in the Women Peace and Security Index of 2021/22.  The survey by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security (GWIPS) includes 170 countries, in three categories of Inclusion, Justice, and Security.  The subtopics of each category is shown below.

In general, they conclude that the advance has slowed and disparities have widened among countries.  There are 90 million displaced women worldwide.

The United States ranks 21st, with a combined score from 0 to 1 of 0.861.

Under Inclusion, the mean years of schooling in the US is 13.5.  Employment percent is 52%.  Cellphone use is 94%.  Financial inclusion is 92.7%.  But women’s share of Congressional seats is only 26.8%.

Under US Justice, discriminatory norms is 1, son bias M/F birth ratio is 1.05, and absence of legal discrimination against women is 91.3.

Under US Security, women’s perception of community safety is 70.6%, and current intimate partners violence is 6%.

Among main European and North and South America countries we have the combined rank and rating on a scale of 0-1 the table.

Rank Country Index Score
9 UK .888
11 Germany .880
12 Canada .879
14 Spain .872
15 France .870
21 US .861
28 Italy .842
29 Poland .840
46 Hungary .790
49 Ecuador .774
71 Venezuela .746
80 Brazil .734
88 Mexico .725

Among Asian countries we choose to show:

Rank Country Index Score
33 South Korea .827
35 Japan .823
53 Russian Federation .770
66 Ukraine .748
89 China .722
148 India .597
167 Pakistan .476
170 Afghanistan .278

Out of the the 170 countries, Afghanistan has by far the lowest score.  Out of 170 countries, if 85 is the median rank, the world’s two largest countries, China and India, with populations of 1.4 billion people each, are both below that.  Ukraine will be lowered by the unjustified and inhumane Russian invasion, and the flight of over 5 million women and children.

We now cover the Middle East, where Iran is highlighted for siding with Russia in its invasion of Ukraine and supplying it inhumanely used drones, and also the country of women revolting against dress codes and their cruel enforcement.  The youth are also demonstrating against the religious dictatorship.  Iran is also developing nuclear weapons and part of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.  Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ states are not part of sanctions against Russia.

Rank Country Index Score
24 UAE .856
27 Israel .844
97 Qatar .713
97 Bahrain .713
102 Saudi Arabia .703
110 Oman .675
123 Kuwait .653
125 Iran .649
127 Jordan .646
136 Egypt .627
160 Palestine .571
162 Sudan .556
165 South Sudan .541
166 Iraq .576
168 Yemen .388
169 Syria .375

Yemen and Syria have been afflicted with inhumane wars, starvation, and forced flight.

Posted in 2015 Fundamental Physics Prize, 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics, 2016 Election, 2016 Primaries, 2017 Georgia Special Election, 2017 South Carolina Special Election, 2018, 2018 California Primary, 2018 Global Climate Analysis, 2018 Midterm Election, 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, 2022 Election, A Wrinkle in Time, Abortions, About This Blog, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The United States Women’s Inclusion, Justice, and Security Index of 2020

We summarize the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security (GWIPS) 2020 indexing of the status of women by state, in the areas of Inclusion, Justice, and Security.  We then compare this to the new imposition of laws limiting abortion in the states, after the Dobbs decision throwing out the previous federal Constitutional right to abortion in Roe v. Wade, which lasted five decades.

The topics rated under Inclusion, Justice and Security are shown in the following diagram from the report.

The Dobbs ruling will affect all four topics under Justice and Inclusion each, and Healthcare affordability under Security.

Here is a map of the index for each state, using colors of traffic signals:  Green for good, Yellow for serious decisions, and Red for complete denial of rights of passage.

We note that New England does best, and Northern states and the West coast do good at a half or better.  The ancient South does poorly to worse and worst.

Here is the current abortion laws status of the states from the Center for Reproductive Rights:

We note that the maps are similar, but the abortion restrictions are even more severe in more states than the overall 2020 pattern.  Yellow in the above map signifies abortion is still protected, while Yellow in the index is a score below half.

Nationally, Democratic women hold about 20% of state legislature seats, and Republican women hold about 9%.  The best states for women in the legislature is Nevada with 52%, and Colorado with 46%.  The worst states are West Virginia with 13%, and Mississippi with 14%.

There is an almost unbelievable difference in evaluation of women’s equity needs between the political parties, with independent men closer to Republicans, and independent women closer to Democrats.   In their polling, starting with do you think that there is full equality for women, Yes is only 12% for Dem women and 15% for Dem men, while Yes is 57% for Rep women and 67% for Rep men.  It’s almost as if they are watching different news channels!

In do you think that access to abortion is important to women’s rights, very important has Yes at 72% for Dem men and 69% for Dem women, compared to 19% Rep women and 15% for Rep men.  Independent men and women are at 40%.  Adding in the somewhat important result gives Yes at: Dem men 94%, Dem women 88%, Rep women 36%, and Rep men 39%.

On the importance of working on women’s rights:  very important has Dem women 74%, Dem men 63%, compared to Rep women at 27% and Rep men at 21%.  Adding in the somewhat important answers:  Dem women 95%, Dem men 92%, Rep women 70%, Rep men 61%.  Keep in mind, that the survey and report was written before the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

California in the 2020 Index was ranked 15th out of 51 including D.C. with a score of 0.564.  It’s strength was access to reproductive health care, with only 3% of women not living in a county with an abortion provider, the second best nationally, behind only D.C.  This was compared to the US access of only 62.0%, way back in pre-Dobbs of 2020.

Seven key legal protections for women was 71.4% for California compared to 39.9% for the US average in 2020.  Maternal mortality in California was a low 17.6 score, compared to 29.7 as a US average, over the range of per capita deaths.  One drawback, was a 33.3% in discriminatory attitudes compared to a US average of 28.4%.

California’s weakness was safety walking alone in a neighborhood at night, where California only had 40.7%, compared to the US average of 56.1%.  Gun deaths, however, were a low 1.8, versus the US average of 3.3.

California’s rather average overall score is because:  it’s full-time employment of women was 40.5% compared to the US average of 42.5%; working but poor was 5.1% compared to the US average of 5.6%; representation in state legislature was 31.7% compared to 29.5%; and college completion was 34.6% compared to the US 33.0%.

Almost half — 45% — of female state legislators in California are Hispanic, the highest share of any state.


Posted in 2022 Election, Abortions, Affordable Care Act, Big Data, Children, Congress, Constitution, Democracy, Education, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Governors and State Legislatures, Health Care, Income, Politics, Poverty, Supreme Court, Upward Mobility, Women’s Rights | Leave a comment