Category Archives: EPA

Unexpected Heroes During The Trump Administration

Unexpected Heroes During The Trump Administration A number of the top appointments in the Trump administration were opposed by liberals as being unqualified or severely conflicted for their positions.  Yet by the time they were denigrated and fired/resigned by Trump, … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Criminal Justice System, Donald Trump, EPA, FBI Director, Freedom of the Press, Trump Administration | Leave a comment

How Large and Influential is Coal Usage?

How Large and Influential is Coal Usage? Overall, US coal usage as a percent of electric power has declined from about 53% in 2000 to 33% in 2015.  We are using data related to electric car choices from a report … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Affairs of State, Climate Change, Clinton, Coal, Donald Trump, Electric Power, Energy Efficiency, EPA, Equivalent Electric Car Emissions, Fossil Fuel Energy, Global Climate Action Summit, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, Politics, Regulations, Transportation | Leave a comment

It is Our Air, Our Water, Our Health, and Our Climate Future, NOT Trump’s

It’s Our Air, Our Water, Our Health, and Our Climate Future, NOT Trump’s This is established in the preamble to the Constitution in the words: “We the People of the United State, in Order to … promote the general Welfare…do … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, California Smog, California Water, Coal, Donald Trump, E. Coli, EPA, Irvine Water, No More Drilling, Trump on Climate Change | Leave a comment

This Celebrates My 900th Blog Article

This Celebrates My 900th Blog Article Unfortunately, it is on a very sad day, due to the attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.  That was preceded by a week of bombs from the #MAGAbomber to 14 Trump … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, About This Blog, Air Quality, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Congress, Constitution, Donald Trump, Electric Power, Energy Efficiency, EPA, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Gun Control, Humor, Mayor's Climate Action Plan, Paris Climate Accord, Politics, Smog worldwide | Leave a comment

Trump’s Increased Radiation Health Benefits Will Solve the Nuclear Disposal Problem

Trump’s Increased Radiation Health Benefits Will Solve the Nuclear Disposal Problem Trump’s discovery of a doctor who thinks that radiation is helpful to people’s health can help him personally solve the nuclear waste disposal problem.   Let’s not get tied … Continue reading

Posted in CAFE Standards, California Smog, Climate Change, Coal, Donald Trump, EPA, Humor, Nuclear Energy, Regulations, San Onofre, Smog worldwide | Leave a comment

Who is Responsible for Carbon Neutrality?

Who is Responsible for Carbon Neutrality? I don’t have the answers to this. I just have a lot of questions. Hundreds of firms will at sometime sign up for Carbon neutrality. This may well include all large and important American … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Air Quality, America's Pledge, CAFE Standards, Clean Energy, Coal, Economies, Energy Efficiency, EPA, Fossil Fuel Energy, Free Trade, Global Climate Action Summit, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Regulations, Smog worldwide, US Steel Imports, World Smog | Leave a comment

America’s Pledge Report Launch by Gov. Jerry Brown and Michael Bloomberg

America’s Pledge Report Launch by Gov. Jerry Brown and Michael Bloomberg A Half Hour YouTube Video. Searching on YouTube only turns up the 12 minute video before the questions. The America’s Pledge Report link is: Michael Bloomberg, UN Ambassador … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, America's Pledge, Autos, California Power Mixes, California Smog, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Donald Trump, Electric Cars, Electric Power, EPA, Equivalent Electric Car Emissions, Fossil Fuel Energy, Global Climate Action Summit, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Mayor's Climate Action Plan, Paris Climate Agreement, Renewable Energy, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, United Nations, US Climate Mayors | Leave a comment

Automotive Safety and the Trump Fuel Standards Rollback

Automobile Safety and the Trump Fuel Standards Rollback The Trump administration and EPA is giving out automobile safety as the reason for not increasing the fuel efficiency standards. They are using a rather specious argument that with better fuel economy, … Continue reading

Posted in Air Quality, Autos, CAFE Standards, California Smog, Donald Trump, Energy Efficiency, EPA, Equivalent Electric Car Emissions, Fossil Fuel Energy, Regulations, Smog worldwide, Transportation, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, World Smog | Leave a comment

Trump’s Sellout of Our Health to Big Coal is Truly Scandalous

Trump’s Sellout of Our Health to Big Coal is Truly Scandalous Trump has put forward an energy plan to the remade Environment Destruction Agency that will not only will not slow climate change, but will condemn us to decades more … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Air Quality, American Lung Association, California Power Mixes, California Smog, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Coal, Coastal Flooding, Donald Trump, Electric Power, EPA, Fossil Fuel Energy, Green Rate Plans, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Mayor's Climate Action Plan, Natural Gas, Ocean Acidification, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, Politics, Sea Level Rise, Solar Energy, Trump on Climate Change, Wind Energy | Leave a comment

Trump’s West Coast Trifecta of Doom

Trump’s West Coast Trifecta of Doom Three environmental topics that I wanted to write about are now, in time and space, all connected, and all point to one villain: Trump. The three topics start with Trump’s toadying denial of climate … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Air Quality, Autos, CAFE Standards, California Housing Fires, California Smog, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Climate Science, Coastal Flooding, Donald Trump, EPA, Equivalent Electric Car Emissions, Fire Risks, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Houston Flooding, Hurricane Irma, Paris Climate Accord, Paris Climate Agreement, Trump Administration | Leave a comment