Category Archives: Supreme Court

The US and Key Countries in the Democracy Index 2019

We examine the new Democracy Index 2019 rating of the US and world countries performed by the Economist Intelligence Unit.  I was very interested in this since it would contain the third year of the Trump Presidency and his House … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Democracy Ratings, Fifth Amendment, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedoms, Immigration Policy, Impeachment, Iran, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, North Korea, North Korea Nuclear Threat, Russia, State Department, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Turkey, Voting Rights, Yemen | Tagged | Leave a comment

America’s Next Democracy Rating, and Chief Justice John Roberts’ View

America’s Next Democracy Rating, and Chief Justice John Roberts’ View Having just written articles on the Democracy and Freedom ratings of world countries, I was going to speculate on what our new ratings would be after the sham impeachment trial.  … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Democracy Ratings, EPA, First Amendment, Freedoms, Impeachment, Kavanaugh, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, Politics, Public Confidence, Regulations, State Department, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Voting, Voter Fraud, Voting Rights, VP Pence, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

All Hail, Dictator Trump

All Hail, Dictator Trump This morning, HRH Donald “The Don” Trump became America’s Dictator. The Republican Senate, to a Republican person, voted to table all new evidence in the mock impeachment “trial”.  Despite 12 hours of careful and convincing arguments … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2016 Primaries, 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, AG William Barr, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Democracy Ratings, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Fifth Amendment, Freedom of the Press, Impeachment, Mueller Report, Politics, Secrecy, State Department, Supreme Court, Voting Rights | Tagged | Leave a comment

To Mitch “Stonewall” McConnell: Thanks for Making Your Impeachment Coverup So Obvious

To Mitch “Stonewall” McConnell:  Thanks for Making Your Impeachment Coverup So Obvious Also, as a plus, there are going to be several roll call votes on the Whitewash procedures, which will shade the Republican Senator’s participation in the coverup.  The … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Cybersecurity, Democracy Ratings, Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Equal Treatment Under the Law, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Impeachment, Military Budget, Mueller Report, Politics, Public Confidence, Russia, State Department, Supreme Court, Swing States, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Voter Fraud, Voting Rights, VP Pence, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

“You Can Fool Some of the People All the Time” — Has Trump Won?

“You Can Fool Some of The People All the Time” — Has Trump Won? President Lincoln might have said this, but Trump, and his cohort, and his Party, and his Fox News, live it.  As long as 90% of them … Continue reading

Posted in Affairs of State, Climate Change, Climate Education, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Fifth Amendment, Fossil Fuel Energy, Impeachment, Oil, Politics, Russia, Supreme Court | Tagged | Leave a comment

Is the Senate Capable of Conducting a Fair Impeachment Trial?

Is the Senate Capable of Conducting a Fair Impeachment Trial? As a previous Professor, I of course always am concerned with the educational backgrounds of people to fill certain positions.  This of course has to be time weighted, since in … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Fifth Amendment, Impeachment, Kavanaugh, Mueller Report, Politics, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Twitter | Tagged | Leave a comment

We Need Stronger Limits on Presidential and DOJ Powers

We Need Stronger Limits on Presidential and DOJ Powers We have a President who has a non-Constitutional, volunteer, personal (?) lawyer who guarantees him that he has powers beyond the Constitution, that he has Absolute Rights (?), and that he … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Fox News, Humor, Impeachment, Kavanaugh, Mueller Report, Nuclear Weapons, Oil, Politics, Supreme Court, VP Pence | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump Rules the GOP

Let’s see:  If you are Republicans who want to hide that Trump’s personal lawyer continuously lied for Trump, is your best strategy really to spend the whole day emphasizing that the lawyer is a liar?  After all, Michael Cohen has … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Wall, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

To Impeach or Not to Impeach, That Is the Question

To impeach or not to impeach, that is the question. I must apologize to Shakespeare and to Hamlet, Prince of Denmark for using his quote: “To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Clinton, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Fox News, Kavanaugh, Russia, Supreme Court, Trump Administration | Tagged | Leave a comment

Donald, Please Unleash the Military to Arrest America’s Real Enemies

Donald, Please Unleash the Military to Arrest America’s Real Enemies President Trump seems about to unleash the Military in a National Emergency to guard us against terrorists.  Trump may suppose that they will obviously build The Wall, but the Military … Continue reading

Posted in Government Shutdown, Humor, Supreme Court | Tagged | Leave a comment