IHME Projections for the US to January Rises to 415,000, but 116,500 Savable by Masking

We look at the states with the highest projected death tolls by January 1, 2021 in the IHME    Model.  We order the list by projected deaths, down to states with 10,000.

The columns are the State, the Present deaths today, the Projected Deaths, the deaths with Masking of 95%, and the Lives Saved by such masking.

State Present Deaths Projected Deaths With Masking Lives Saved
CA 14,327 48,515 36,051 12,464
NY 33,023 45,664 36,811 8,853
TX 14,332 34,663 28,778 5,885
FL 12,600 26,556 22,681 3,875
NJ 16,027 21,487 18,655 2,832
IL 8,527 17,321 10,606 6,715
PA 7,829 16,414 10,476 5,938
GA 6,287 14,259 11,132 3,127
MA 9,196 14,156 11,512 2,644
MI 6,911 12,660 8,414 4,246
OH 4,411 11,572 6,114 5,458
NC 3,047 11,298 6,304 4,994
VA 2,722 11,270 8,921 2,349
AZ 5,315 10,164 7,429 2,735

The lives saved in the top 7 states in the table are 46,562, or 40% of the total of 116,501 from all states.  The lives saved in all 14 states in the table are 72,115, or 62% of the total.  The total of the four most populous states, the top 4 in the table, are 31,077, or 26.7% of the total.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

The Nobel Peace Prize Should Not be Bought by Trump for Arming Dictators

You Shouldn’t Win a Nobel Peace Prize for Selling Weapons of War to Dictators

Three stories collided to make this article.  

First, Trump is selling F35s, our most sophisticated fighter jets, to the UAE in order to get them to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.  This occurs just before Election Day, with pomp and circumstance, to satisfy not only the Israeli lobby, but also Evangelicals, who have some religious beliefs about Israel.  The problems with this is that the UAE is a group of seven shiekdoms, which is still a dictatorship, near the bottom of the Democracy ratings.  Furthermore, they are not a part of a Democratic defense group like NATO, whose mutual actions are governed by long standing humanitarian restraints on war and on individual actions.  F35s are not cars.  Trump has pushed them as just good for American manufacturing jobs, and takes no responsibilities for what use they are put to, including being a potential threat to Israel.

Second, the Woodward Tapes, (Woodgate?), show Trump claiming that he saved MBS’s “ass”, that is Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, in exchange for hundreds of billions of dollars in arms sales.  Based on a set of pictures Trump once showed, they could add up to $400 billion in military jets, tanks, and ships.  Again, Saudi Arabia, ruled for centuries by the House of Saud, is a totalitarian regime near the bottom of Democracy ratings.  They are also not part of defense pacts over which we have any input or controls.  They have used our bombs against helpless rebels and hospitals in Yemen.  Trump sold them to Saudi Arabia in violation of Congressional restrictions by declaring a “National Emergency”.

Third, conservative Norwegian lawmaker Christian Tybring-Gjedde, nominated Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize for shepherding the Israeli-UAE recognition or treaty, or whatever they have worked out, which still isn’t clear.  Today, Fox News said Trump was also nominated by a backer in the Swedish Parliament, Magnus Jacobsson, for normalizing economic relations between Serbia and Kosovo.  This also includes Kosovo recognizing Israel, and Serbia moving its Embassy to Jerusalem.  There also is a Bahrain-Israel deal.  I doubt whether King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain runs a Democracy.  Bahrain is rated 173rd in Democracy on V-dem.net, with only a 5% score, in the bin with China, Syria, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia, slightly above North Korea.   In the Democracy ratings, Kosovo is 84th with a 41% score, and Serbia is 117 with a 25% score.

There has already been a Trump-Netanyahu mutual back-scratching society which comes out before elections in both the US and Israel.  This really amounts to foreign interference in our elections, which we now know is partly bought by quid-pro-quos, which endanger Peace, and Middle East countries.  We wonder if more quid-pro-quos will become known.  Remember, Trump was Impeached for withholding military aid to Ukraine, in requesting a quid-pro-quo against Biden.

Of course, none of these treaties involve or are approved by the Palestinians, who are the necessary party in leading to peace and a humanitarian settlement.

This presentation of five agreements in one week, including the meetings with the Taliban, raises a lot of questions of whether this just fits into a Trump-Fox News foreign policy week of the election presentations.  Could any of these have occurred earlier, or been more complete later, but were required to fit into the broadcast schedule?  Now, foreign policy has to be approved by the Senate.  To my knowledge, there have been no hearings on any of these, where Secretary of State Pompeo would have laid out our policies and goals, and listened to learned Senate Advise and Consent.  Trump has also not given any such speeches.  Considering only the Press seems to have revealed the F35 deal with the UAE, what other deals were made without Senate or Public notification or advice and consent?

 Maybe Trump will be satisfied by the Peace Prize nomination itself (of course not).  But the Nobel Peace Prize should never be awarded for selling the most advanced weapons of war to dictatorships over which Democracies have no alliances or control.  Nor should the US celebrate deals struck by a desperate President just before an election, over which dictatorships now hold considerable leverage.

Posted in 2020 Election, Affairs of State, Congressional Investigation, Democracy Ratings, Donald Trump, Game of Thrones, Gun Control, Impeachment, Middle East, Negotiations, Politics, Yemen | Leave a comment

All Locked Up in the USA

All Locked Up in the USA

Yes, the title is a takeoff of Bruce Springsteen’s “Born In the USA”.

Aside from the hundred (thousand?) reasons that I am upset at Trump’s mismanagement and corruption of the US government, and the fact that I am essentially locked in my house, I am also locked in the USA.

I thought that I would enjoy staying home from summer travels and watching travelogues.  But I didn’t watch any until this afternoon.  Now, I really miss not roaming the Sierras or Utah and Arizona.   I can’t fly to Flagstaff because I don’t trust air travel in the time of the plague.  I also can’t fly to Maui and Kauai because of that, and because Hawaii had to impose a 14 day quarantine because of Trump’s messing up the Coronavirus campaign.

We can’t leave the USA because Europe and Canada have banned us.  “And Freedom, oh freedom, well that’s just some people talking”, “Desperado”, by the Eagles.  We can’t take a cruise for the same reason.  Why do we still have bans on Canadians or Europeans traveling here?

All of the Trumpite non-maskers and non-distancers cite “Freedom”, but their Chosen One has locked us up in the good old USA, USA, USA.  America First has become America Only.  He has not only killed European travel, but American travel as well.

The cramped and non-masked Trump rallies (infectathons), even in aircraft hangers which cut the breeze, will only spread more havoc in swing states, and lead to more closures.  The fact that these rallies keep occurring, only reinforces the views of his followers that masking and distancing are unnecessary.  More failures of leadership.

Spending six months in my sofa with my right arm propped up, has led to a tennis-like elbow that won’t even let me drive any significant distance.

I am pretty sure that us seniors staying at home, who are retired, and not in any way essential, will be very low on the vaccine priority list, since we are not daily exposed to the public.  This, even though by age and resultant comorbidities, we are most vulnerable to complications and death from the Coronavirus. 

Lincoln was right, “You can fool some of the people all of the time”.  Right now, I prefer Moses:  Let My People Go, and travel somewhere else.  (Exodus 5:1)

Posted in 2020 Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Humor | Leave a comment

California Wildfires Set Records

Western California, Oregon and Washington wildfires have the worst air pollution on earth.  California wildfires have passed a record 3 million acres, or 4,700 square miles.  There are over 100 fires burning.

CNN Calfire fire locations.  There have been 20 fatalities in California.  6,400 structures have been damaged or destroyed.  The largest two fires are the SCU Lightening Complex at 397,000 acres or 620 square miles, and the LNU Lightening Complex at 363,000 acres or 567 square miles.  August had the hottest average temperature on record.

Southern California air pollution.  Over 150 million trees have died in the the Southern Sierra, probably because of climate change and the pine bark beetle.  Haze has been blocking direct sunlight.  Warnings about exercising outside.  The Southern Sierra is in Moderate Drought.

The PurpleAir.com measures PM2.5 or 2.5 micron sized air pollution, which can go through the lungs into the blood stream.  In the color scale, the maroon of 200-300 is Unhealthy for All, and beyond 300 is Hazardous.


Northern California Air Pollution.  There are many pictures of Orange skies in the Press.  There are a hundred years of undergrowth.  Northern California is in severe drought, and the central North near Oregon is in extreme drought.


Oregon Air Pollution.  A half of a million people are in evacuation zones.  This is over 10% of the state population of 4.2 million.  40,000 have evacuated.  A million acres (1,560 square miles) have burned there, just in the last three days.  5 are dead there, but they are expecting more since some occupied areas were overrun by fire.


Washington State and Vancouver, B.C. Air Pollution:



5 out of the top 8 world pollution cities are on the West Coast, including the top three, Portland, Seattle, and San Francisco.

The smoke goes far off-shore, and may blow back in this weekend.


Firefighters and fire equipment being used in California.


Smog Predictions for my weekend in Irvine.




Posted in Air Quality, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Fire Risks, Smog worldwide | Leave a comment

A Naive Estimate that Phase III Statistics Could Show an Effective Vaccine by November 1.

A naive estimate that phase III statistics could show an effective vaccine by November 1.

To start, I have no qualifications to make such an estimate.  I am not a doctor, an epidemiologist, a statistician, a modeler, or a big data guy.   Clearly, we have to follow the actual data as interpreted by professional and experienced experts.

The scattered articles which I have found on enrollment do not match the assumptions of the analysis.  Around mid-August, Pfizer had only enrolled around 23,000.  On Sept. 1, Moderna had 21,000 enrolled.  AstraZeneca did not start US enrollment until September 1, but had 17,000 in Brazil, South Africa, and the U.K.  However, the clinics involved in the trials are chosen in US hot spots, which may help the infection rates.  AztraZeneca has paused their enrollment for a few weeks due to a spinal cord case.   Update, Sept. 12.  AstraZeneca has restarted their UK program which will have 18,000 enrolled.   I will include an analysis for half of the number of cases by November 1 as well as for those used below.

I am assuming for simplicity that the Phase III trials have already filled up their 30,000 volunteers, and that they have taken their second shots.  Otherwise, the analysis will be reduced in effectiveness by November 1.  We also have simply assumed that the vaccine is only tested in the United States, and use the IHME projections of September 3 for the United States cases.

We are going to naively estimate the number of Phase III placebo vaccine testers who might be infected by November 1, and find that it could be as many as 560.  This would be a good test for the effectiveness of the vaccine, since a 50% effective vaccine could leave only 280 of the vaccinated infected.  We than compare this to the projected situation on January 1, where the number of cases in the trial will be almost tripled, using the IHME case projections for both dates.  We will also discuss the detection of complications of the vaccine, down to the 1 part in 2,000, 1 part in 5,000 and 1 part in 10,000 levels.

The longer we wait to decide, the statistical accuracy only increases as the inverse of the square root of the number of cases or the time, while the number of the public infected may continue to grow linearly or faster with time, so time is of the essence.  The detection of low level vaccine complications independent of infection may increase linearly with time.

We calculate the number of new cases to November 1 from the IHME projections, take the ratio of this to the US population, and apply it to both placebo and vaccinated groups of 15,000 volunteers each in a 30,000 volunteer Phase III program.

The IHME projects 145,000 new cases a day for Sept. 10, and 318,000 for November 1, so we use their average of 232,000 cases a day for 52 days, giving 12 million new cases by November 1.  Taking the uninfected US population as roughly 320 million and dividing 12/320, gives 3.75% of the US population to be newly infected between now and November 1.

Taking 3.75% of the 15,000 vaccine volunteer cohorts gives 563 infected in each.  Since the infections are a Gaussian distribution, its standard deviation is the square root of 563 or 24, which is 4.2% of the 563.

If the vaccine reached the minimum limit of 50% effectiveness, only half of 563 who received the vaccine and were exposed would be infected, giving 282, with a standard deviation of 17, or 6.0%.

Even without statistics, it is quite obvious that the vaccine is a success in this example.  If we take the difference as 282, its standard deviation is the square root of the sum of the squares of the two groups, or sqrt(563 + 282) = 29.  The difference of means of 282 divided by the standard deviation of the difference is then 282/29 = 9.7 standard deviations, a certainty.

Because of the slow start and rate of recruitment, let’s assume that the group results were halved by November 1.   So we assume that the placebo group had 280 cases, and the vaccinated group for a 50% effective vaccine had 140 cases.  The standard deviation or square root of 280 is 17, and of 140 is 12.  The combined standard deviation for the difference of 140 is the square root of the sum of 280 and 140 or 420, which is 20.5.  So 140/20.5 = 6.8 standard deviations, still a certainty.

There are several different methods that vaccines work by, which I leave to presentations by the virologists and biologists.  However, several vaccines just help us fight off the Coronavirus, without terminating it in its initial exposure.  So effectiveness has to be measured in degrees of infection, from simple symptoms, to those requiring hospital visits, oxygen, ICU’s or ventilators, and leading to complications or death.  There also have to be comparisons between volunteers with different ages, sexes, comorbidities, races, jobs, and exposures.  If we have several successful vaccines, demographics may determine which ones work best for which cohorts.  For all of these subcategories, we need as large a sample of cases as possible, so we extend our test estimates to January 1.

There are another 61 days between November 1 and January 1, 2021.  The averages of 318,000 and 328,000 on these dates is 323,000 new cases per day.  That gives about 20 million more cases, out of approximately 300 million uninfected Americans giving another 6.7% of cases.  Multiplying by 15,000 cohorts gives another 1,005 cases.  So on Jan. 1, two more months after Nov. 1, the placebo group moves to 1,570 cases, and the vaccinated group gains to 785 effective cases.  This is almost three times the number of cases to examine demographic and comorbidity breakdowns.  By waiting, however, another 20 million more Americans have gotten sick.

The IHME projected number of new US deaths between Nov. 1 and Jan. 1 is 155,000.  If we divide that by 300 million uninfected Americans at that time, it is about 1 in 2,000.  In the vaccinated group of 15,000, it would match a lethal problem that would show up with 7.5 cases on average.  The Poisson probability that 0 cases would show up is only 0.055%.

One pessimist expert says that it may take two years to vaccinate everybody.  The distribution network is complex, but early vaccination will be prioritized to those who need it most, saving lives and health care workers.

For finding any side effects of vaccination, which are independent of infection, the sample is the entire 15,000 vaccinated.  For side effects at 1 in 5,000, three cases are expected on average.  The Poisson distribution of  probabilities of different number of cases for a mean of 3 are then:

0      0.056  This means that there is a 5.6% chance that such an effect would not be seen in even one case.

1       0.149

2.     0.224

3.     0.224

4.     0.168

5       0.101

6.     0.050

7      0.022

8      0.008

9      0.003

10    0.001

For side effects of 1 in 10,000, with a mean of 1.5, the Poisson distribution of cases is:

0.    0.223  This means that there is a 22% chance that such an effect would not be seen.

1      0.335

2      0.251

3      0.126

4      0.047

5      0.014

6.    0.004

7      0.001

One question which medical trial experts could answer, is if those who volunteer are more likely to be exposed than the general public, and if they are more likely to expose themselves even with a 50% probability of being vaccinated.  If so, this would lead to a greater number of cases more than our estimates based on the general public.  Volunteers, however, may be more conscientious, and observe social distancing and masking, leading to fewer cases.  Time will tell.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

Really President Trump, Now it is Censorship Enforced by Withholding Federal School Funding?

Really President Trump, Now its Censorship Enforced by Withholding Federal School Funding?

Update:  I did not realize when I wrote this that Trump was directly threatening California which supposedly was going to or considering adopting a curriculum based on the 1619 Project.  This is not the South, but we see how this can play to Trump’s Southern strategy.  In the discussion over Proposition 16 in California, which will overturn Proposition 609, which banned affirmative action in the UC system, the figures on California K-12 graduates with the courses to qualify for the UC came out.  The qualified students are 44.7% Latino, 27% White, 19.9% Asian Americans, and 4.2% Black.  California has a long history of prejudice against all minorities.  We will choose the appropriate reality of history to teach in our schools.  We don’t need a President with a long personal history of racism, who is running a racist campaign, and who is ignoring racial problems with police, having canceled programs to remedy this, to tell us what to do.

Where does one even start on this, while the Trump Brown Shirts are roaming the streets, tear gassing and harassing protestors, while demanding freedom.  In this pandemic year, freedom means not wearing a mask and not social distancing, and opening bars and all schools.  It also means driving to herd immunity, losing 2 million Americans “who were going to die anyway”.

It has long been a tenet of Republicans not to have the Federal Government, or even liberal states, or school districts, force liberal school curricula “down their throats”.  After watching some complaints on Fox News and right wing websites, Trump has decided to halt the use of the New York Times Magazine “1619 Project” on the history and impacts of slavery, especially into the difficulties of African Americans today.

Trump has followed the previous Governor of Florida, now Senator Rick Scott, in removing “climate change”, and not just the name, from all Federal documents, requirements, and websites.  This, despite the legal Federal requirement that all of the above must be based on the “best available science”.

Trump is now trying to eliminate all references to racism and its implications from the government.  But state or local censorship is almost a new extension of the powers of the Reign of Trump.

Trump started his Reign by threatening to withhold federal funds from University systems who supposedly banned extreme conservative speakers, although Universities are fully capable of handling any opinions.  This was tossed out by he courts.  Trump’s latest racial censorship is being described as “red meat” to his supporters by CNN, while undoubtedly destined to meet the same legal fate, if it even could be carried out.

Fortunately, Americans have a “Banned in Boston” attraction to censored material, and I looked up the publications on this for the first time.  Here is the starting link to the 1619 Project, though it covers many articles on all aspects of the consequences of slavery.  Here is a more direct link to the articles.  States and school districts are quite capable in deciding what parts of the massive curriculum that they want to use.  It is an inditement that present nationwide approved school material might not be as thorough or adult as is now needed for our times.

All of this fits in with Trump’s total denial of police brutality to people of color, and Republican’s denial of any racism.  It also fits in with Trump’s basing his entire campaign on imagined fears of demonstrators as anarchists, and not liberal minded Americans.

Trump has been in a continuous offensive of censorship, not just about himself or his administration, but about the truth also.  Maybe the 45% who back him are taken in by the constant assault about “Fake News”, which somehow afflicts all News Media except for Fox News, and known right wing sites.  But this is taken to extremes with denunciation of the Press personally, with aggressive booing at his rallies, and with serious resultant threats of physical harm on unsocial media.

Trump has pulled out all of the stops to prevent the well-timed exposes during this crucial election period, forcing Non-Disclosure Agreements on government employees, suing to stop all books about him, keeping people in prison, pardoning those who do not “rat him out”, having AG Barr stop trials, etc.

Trump has stopped all Administration members testifying before Congress, denying Congress it role in administrative oversight of spending of our money, and affecting Congressionally passed policies.

But, telling us what we can teach our children is a new low by both Democratic and Republican standards.

Maybe it is time to stop TV coverage of Trump’s so-called “Press Conferences”, that are just endless free campaign speeches, which now contain dangerous provocations for confrontations.

Posted in 2020 Election, Climate Change, Climate Education, Climate Science, Department of Education, Donald Trump, Electric Cars, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedoms, Poverty, Racism, Regulations, Secretary of Education, Trump Administration, Trump on Climate Change, UC Federal Funding, University Funding | Leave a comment

Countries with the Largest IHME Projected Deaths to January 1, 2021

We make a table of the countries with the largest projected deaths on January 1, 2021, by the IHME projections.  Some of them seem wildly out of line, but they are probably based on when current restrictions expire.  Undoubtedly, most of the countries with few cases will extend restrictions to keep the number of deaths low.  Their high death projection should then just serve as a warning of what can happen if they drop all expiring restrictions.  Japan and the Philippines are the leading cases of this phenomena.  We also show the IHME projections with 95% masking, and the number of lives savable by masking.  For current deaths, we use Johns Hopkins data for midday September 5.  We order the countries by the projected lives lost on December 1, and go down to 30,000.

Country Current Deaths Projected Deaths With Masking Lives Saved
India 69,561 659,531 484,981 174,550
US 188,274 410,451 288,381 122,070
Brazil 125,502 174,297 160,566 13,731
Mexico 66,851 138,828 130,544 8,284
Japan 1,361 120,514 104,808 15,706
Russia 17,707 94,905 26,668 68,237
France 30,730 73,743 46,622 27,121
UK 41,638 69,548 59,819 9,729
Spain 29,418 69,445 66,508 2,937
Philippines 3,790 58,412 58,030 382
Italy 35,534 56,071 43,917 12,154
Peru 29,554 46,666 46,528 138
Iran 22,154 46,137 28,716 17,421
Netherlands 6,274 35,078 10,441 24,637
Argentina 9,685 33,220 30,943 2,277
Iraq 7,422 31,181 17,195 13,986

The main lives to be saved overall by masking are in India, the United States, and Russia.  They total about 365,000.  This is about half of the 770,000 which can be saved world wide by masking.  In many countries above, a considerable portion of deaths can be saved by masking.

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

IHME Projected Deaths Worldwide and by Region, with Savable Lives by Masking

The September 3 IHME at the University of Washington projected deaths are now for Janauary 1 and cover the world.  They are now broken down by regions, and then countries.  We also show the lives lost in each region by 95% masking.  The difference are then lives savable by masking in each region.  Current world masking is modeled at 60%.

For brevity, all of the numbers in the article are in thousands, which we abbreviate by the metric k for kilo.

Globally, present deaths are 897 k.  Projected Global deaths by January 1 are 2,811 k, and with masking are 2,042 k, saving 770 k lives.

A brief summary of the IHME data analysis are that 271 k lives are savable by masking in Europe and Central Asia, 218 k in South Asia, 129 k in North America, 76 k in North Africa and Middle East, and much less in other regions.

The table below has the Regions, Current Deaths, Projected Deaths, Deaths with 95% Masking, and Lives Saved by 95% masking.  All numbers in the table are rounded and in thousands.  The regions are ordered by lives saved.  Current deaths are taken off of their projections for September 1.


Region Current Deaths Projected Deaths With Masking Lives Saved
World 897 2,811 2,042 770
Europe & Central Asia 240 660 390 271
South Asia 79 727 510 218
North America 193 435 306 129
North Africa & Middle East 45 172 97 76
Latin America & Caribbean 302 527 500 27
East Asia & Pacific 18 216 192 25
Sub-Saharan Africa 22 73 48 24

Of the 770 k lives savable by masking, 618 k occur in the top three Regions, and 694 k occur in the top four Regions.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

Doubling of US Deaths, Tripling of California Deaths by January 1 Predicted by IHME

The IHME model of the University of Washington has now been extended to January 1, 2021.  It also includes World and world Region forecasts.  This article focuses on the US as a whole, still the world’s leader in deaths, and the state with the leading number of new projected deaths, California.  We also focus on the vast number of deaths that can be saved by effective masking.  We now know that masks protect the wearer, as well as the exposed.

Currently, Global deaths are 872,250, with US deaths at 187,618, or 21.5%.

The IHME model now projects about 410,000 US deaths by Jan. 1, or 222,000 or 2.19 times as many as present.  If 95% of Americans wore masks, the death toll would be 288,000, and 122,000 American lives would be saved.  That is only 55% of the projected new deaths.  Currently, only 59% of Americans wear masks when out.

It was absurd to mention before now, but with Trump’s new “advisor” Dr. Scott Atlas pushing herd immunity, a relaxation of even present restrictions would result in 620,000 deaths by January 1, or an additional 432,000 deaths.  That is about double the 222,000 expected at present with present mask wearing.

California now has 13,563 current deaths.  By January 1, that is now projected to reach 49,602, and increase of 36,039 deaths, or 266%. With complete 95% masking, that could be reduced to 32,921 total deaths, saving 16,681 lives.  The 32,921 is an increase of 19,358 deaths, or 143%.  This is only 54% of the new deaths without increased masking.

Oddly, the projections of California deaths per day with different masking come together on January 1, and the difference then is 554 versus 532.  But the difference is much larger in between, corresponding to the large difference in the number of deaths.

Social distancing in California is modeled to be reduced to 55% less mobility than normal as a result of increased deaths, as opposed to the current reduction of cell phone measured mobility of 34%.

In the SEIR model that IHME use, it is estimated that only 22% of US cases have been detected.  There are now 6.2 million detected cases in the US.  That would mean that there have actually been 28 million Americans infected, or 8.5% of Americans.  That is a far cry from the 50%-70% considered necessary for herd immunity.

The second and third largest US states, Texas and Florida, have about 6,000 lives each that can be saved by complete masking.

Texas has a January 1 projection of 34,319 deaths, which could be lowered to 28,125 or by 6,194 with complete masking.  Texas currently has 13,409 deaths, so projected deaths are 256% times present deaths.

Florida has a January 1 projection of 26,251 deaths, which can be lowered to 20,083 deaths, saving 6,168 Americans.  Florida currently has 11,750 deaths, so projected deaths are 223% of present deaths.

Yes, the two states with the largest number of current deaths are New York with 32,982, and New Jersey with half of that at 15,978.  These are not dealt with here, since their projections are fairly flat, and we are concerned here with lives that can be saved by masking.




Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Health Care | Leave a comment

California Universities in the Times Higher Education World Rankings 2021

There are not much changes in the ratings since last year 2020, partly because they use two years of evaluation.  However, rankings even with close ratings, are probably important to leading universities, even though they don’t admit many of their applicants.  The other phenomena, is that The Times has extended the totality of universities ranked from 1,000 to 1,500.  This moves some lower rated universities further down.  The rating categories and weights are explained in the previous article.

The rankings are based on the overall combined rating.  This was in the last column of the previous article on 2020, but we now move it to the first rating column, since it is the most relevant.

The columns in the table are:  Rank, Institution (Inst), Overall score (Over), Teaching (T), Research (R), Citations (C), Industry Income (Ind), and International outlook (Int).

Rank Inst Over T R C Ind Int
1 Oxford 95.6
2 Stanford 94.9 92.2 96.7 99.9 90.1 79.5
3 Harvard 94.8
4 CalTech 94.5 92.5 96.9 97.0 92.7 83.6
5 MIT 94.4
6 Cambridge 94.0
7 UC Berkeley 92.2 85.8 97.2 99.1 84.3 72.3
8 Yale 91.6
9 Princeton 91.5
10 U. Chicago 90.3
15 UCLA 87.1 82.5 90.2 96.5 57.6 65.3
33 UCSD 77.7 60.3 80.4 94.3 95.6 64.4
53 USC 70.4 63.8 58.4 93.1 39.2 64.9
64 UC Davis 68.9 60.5 66.2 81.9 50.4 66.9
68 UCSB 67.9 45.8 59.6 96.7 81.8 70.0
98 UC Irvine 62.1 43.5 47.5 93.5 53.2 72.4
201-250 UCSC 50.6-54.2 31.4 31.9 96.2 38.9 63.6
251-300 UC Riverside 48.0-50.5 31.2 30.3 85.0 37.5 65.7
301-350 UC Merced 45.6-47.9 21.6 23.0 95.2 38.8 43.9


Posted in Education, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UCLA, University Rankings | Leave a comment