The Quarantine Repercussions of In-class K-12 School Openings

The Quarantine Repercussions of In-class K-12 School Openings

The quarantining period for the Coronavirus is exceptionally long, 14 days.  It also is absolute isolation, even from members of your family.  And not going into work or even grocery shopping.  Take for example Hawaii, for entering visitors.

So, when K-12 schools reopen for in-person classes, even on a hybrid basis, what happens when one student tests positive.  Shouldn’t the twenty other kids in the class who interacted with the student for the whole day be quarantined, and also their teacher or teachers?  Then, shouldn’t their families quarantine from going into work or other group activities?  That is 40 adults for one sick child.  And shouldn’t the other kids and adults in the family even quarantine from each other as much as possible?  Industries and businesses might require such quarantines of their workers.  A lot of families have multiple kids in school, and one quarantining implies that the others also have to quarantine.  So, you always have to have the on-line classes available by some teachers to tide these students over.

The fall will further complicate knowing what kids are really Coronavirus infected.  Only 30% of infected people show temperatures.  Kids will get sick with ordinary colds and their coughs, and with the flu and their temperatures.  So many people want tests now, that their results are delayed a week by a lack of processing chemicals.  So the quarantining may start without real Coronavirus infections.  Finally, the avoidance of standard doctor’s visits have set back needed vaccinations.  Will all school districts enforce such standards to protect their children?

So while kids are supposed to go back to school in order to allow their parents to return to work, there could be flowbacks to hinder work.  It is of course necessary for children to stay masked and social distance in school to prevent transmission and prevent further spread of the Coronavirus. 

In the actual America, where 25% have been misled to thinking that the Coronavirus is no worse than a cold, those parents would not keep sick kids home, would not quarantine at all, and would keep up the high third wave.  This will be mostly concentrated in the Trumpian States of America, run by Trump tied Governors.  It will be a disaster.  Sensible cities, counties, and states may be able to bring this under control with school modifications, and with testing, tracing, and quarantining.  Without extra federal funds, it won’t be easy, since their budgets are already down by 20%.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Education, Health Care | Leave a comment

Trump’s 1% of Coronavirus Infection Reached

Trump’s 1% of Coronavirus Infection Reached

Commentators have been scratching their heads for a week or so wondering what Trump meant by his statement that only 1% of Americans were affected by the Coronavirus.  My interpretation is the mildest to Trump.  We have now reached 3,300,000 identified cases, which is 1% of the US population of 330 million.  

We have incurred 135,000 deaths today, for a ratio of 4.1%, which is more favorable than earlier, when it was 5%.  This is because we can now test more than those with definite symptoms, because the newly infected population is younger and more survivable, because we now have Remdesivir, and because we are still riding the rise of the second wave, whereas deaths occur on the back side of the wave.  Trump should realize that the more testing there is, especially now, the more the calculated lethality goes down, lessening the threat.

In March and April, the CDC estimated that there were 10 times more cases than appeared in the amount of testing that they had done.  Its amazing that they do not have a firm number now, but several states are in another explosion of cases.

It’s hard to know what to make out of the CDC numbers, since they should depend on what the distribution of infections are in the various age and racial segments of the population.  This also applies to the sources of infections, from nursing homes to prisons to meat packing plants, to large gatherings, and to bars.  They now say that 40% of cases are asymptomatic.   They also say that 50% of transmissions are from presymptomatic cases.

The White House is presenting a list of misconceptions or situation dependent statements from Dr. Fauci, which of course change as we get more PPE and more knowledge.  They are of course inviting a comparison to Trump’s purposeful lies about the administration’s lack of preparation, follow up, minimizing the threat, failure to back masks and social distancing, and Trump’s world of fantasy and magical predictions.

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The University of California Acts to Protect International Students

The University of California Acts to Protect International Students

UC System President Janet Napolitano announced that the UC is suing the Trump Administration action threatening to deport international students with F-1 or M-1 visas unless they take at least one in-person class.  The basis is that it is unjustified, arbitrary, and too close to the start of the school year.  This is the same basis that they won a delay in the cancellation of the DACA program by the Administration.  UC President Napolitano was the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security under President Obama.  She founded the DACA program in 2012.  We should note that in August, former UC Irvine Chancellor (2005-2014) Michael Drake will be replacing Napolitano as UC President.  He is finishing up as President of Ohio State University, where he served since 2014.

In her announcement, she pointed out that in 2019-2020, there were 27,205 international students in an undergraduate class of 226,125 university wide, or 12.0%.  These students pay an extra tuition of about $29,000 a year, compared to the $13,000 in-state tuition.  Their contribution to UC funding is then $790 million.   They do not take any seats from in-state students.  Their extra funds support California students and hire more faculty for the University.  Of the UC graduate students, 13,995 out of 58,941 or 24% are international students.  Those that complete their degrees do research and help bring in federal funds to the UC, and contribute to the intellectual and technological base of California and the world.   Here is a link to the UC press release by President Napolitano.

The 1.1 million international students in the US contribute $41 billion to their universities.  California students also benefit from interactions with and connections to international students.  Some students stay an extra time in the US and contribute to our industries.

President Napolitano  described the Visa order as “capricious and illegal”.  “It is illegal, unnecessary, and callous” she says.  180 universities have filed under the Harvard and MIT suit.  She says the “UC will fight this blatant disregard for the law and public health sigh all the legal means at our disposal”.  

Since the universities start up in a month or so, it calls for a lower court to put an injunction of this very soon.  In the meantime, universities are arranging for some classes for in-person enrollment of international students.  While this country is used to some 40,000 gun deaths a year, this is unknown in foreign countries.  Asian countries wear masks just to combat the flu.  They are not used to the blatant Coronavirus risks that the Trump Administration is forcing on them, and no doubt sense that they are not welcome by the administration.  At the same time, Trump claims he is making an immigration policy concentrating on industrial value and technological expertise.  

About half of the international students are in STEM fields.  The most popular majors are:  Engineering, 233,000;  Business and Management, 196,000; Math and Computer Science, 186,000; Other Fields, 89,000; Social Science 84,000; and Life and Physical Science, 79,000.  Adding Engineering, Math and Computer Science, and Life and Physical Science gives 498,000, or about a half a million out of the 1.1 million international students.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Dreamers, Education, Health Care, Immigration Ban, Immigration Policy, Trump Administration, UC Admissions | Leave a comment

School In-person Classes Must Be Based on Individual Choices

School In-person Classes Must Be Based on Individual Choices

The carefully laid plans of states and school districts are being waylaid by Presidential and Department of Education political wishdom, which hopefully, will be blocked in the courts.  The Congress decides appropriations, not the President in the losing days of a political campaign.  The plans have to be adaptable to the circumstances in each school district.  Yet, beyond that, they have to include individual choice for each parent considering each child, for each teacher, and for each school staff. 

Each participant has their own and their children’s personal health situation to consider.  They have to consider what is happening in their particular class, day by day, in their school, and in their community.  Even their mental attitudes and stress have to be considered, in choosing between home and in-person classes.

Considering the finances, school funding is down around 20%.  The expanded classrooms with say half the students cost money to outfit, as well as more spacious school busing, more frequent cleaning, personal protective equipment, and adding more classroom space.

Halving the size of classes in a split class situation with students attending only every other day or two days a week only allows you to increase student to student distances by the square root of two, or a factor of 1.4.  A previous three foot separation is now increased to 4.25 feet.  The other problem with this scheme is that if you have an asymptomatic infected student, they are still interacting with their teacher and student cohorts two days a week instead of five, and can still infect them.

Using auditoriums and gymnasiums for more space can work two ways.  In one you teach a lot of students a single class, with a lot of space between them.  Then it is up to the other teachers to give them some individual attention time.   The other way is to partition say a gymnasium, but you still have to worry about the noise pollution with multiple classes going on at the same time.

The problem with outdoor spaces is well known from the TV series Game of Thrones:  Winter’s Coming.  Not to mention summer and fall heat waves, rain, wind, high humidity, ambient noise, poor acoustics, small and distant whiteboards, flapping tents, etc.

With hybrid school-home teaching more money has to be allocated to giving poorer students computer equipment, and internet access.  Some cable and phone companies are giving students free internet access.

Here is a link to the new John Hopkins University “eSchool+ Initiative” of Tools and Resources for K-12 Schools reopening.

I think that the decisions by Trump and his subservient Republican governors to insist on 100% in-person fall classes, is not only to allow parents back to work full time.  I think there might also be some polling that that could be a positive issue for them in the fall election.  It is hopeful at best that the second wave will be over by then, and not followed by another fall flu and school restart wave.  Masks, of course, should be compulsory for returning students.  When Trump wore a mask today for the first time, touring Walter Reed Hospital, it was an N95 mask to protect him from getting infected, not just to stop him from infecting others, like we all do with our lesser masks.  By the fall, everybody should have an effective protective mask.  It’s too bad that even today, Trump still only marginized mask wearing to certain very particular circumstances.  Again, he had to make the Coronavirus battle all about himself.  He is so busy fighting the Coronavirus that he only had time for his 276th golf game as President yesterday.  By insisting that the CDC relax its school reopening guidelines, which they didn’t, Trump cast shade upon them to his followers, who are still 78% of Republicans.

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Trump Flunks an Intelligence Test with every Tweet or Commentary, and School Reopenings

Trump Flunks an Intelligence Test With Every Tweet or Commentary, and School Reopenings

Why did doctors supposedly retest him for Alzheimer’s?  Trump pretends it was a test of his supreme mind, but it wasn’t.  We’ll get to this in a bit.

The California Attorney General is suing the Trump Administration for the last minute change of immigration requirements for the F-1 student visas, that students have to attend in-person classes.  That has been watered down to just attending one full-time in-person classes.  There are 1.1 million international students in the US, and 370,000 are from China.

Imagine being an international student who is in the middle of a four year education at a US university.  All of your arrangements and payments have been paid on schedule.  Then, when your home country has a success story in beating down the Coronavirus, you find yourself in the worst virus fighting country in the world, with one-quarter of the world cases, but with only 4% of its population.  And, the US, beginning with the virus-blind President on down, is actively forcing re-opening with the resulting second explosion of the Coronavirus.  Not only is it too late to transfer to another university outside of the US or in a safe state, but you cannot take a flight home, or into countries with the best universities, because you are in the plague-ridden United States.  Then, you are told that only the foreign F-1 students have to risk sickness by attending an in-person class, if you can get into one, while Americans can stay safely at home.  This, after you paid an out-of-state tuition more than three times that paid by an American student.  After you had to pass a competitive exam to study in the US, and have taken years of English courses to get fluent.

Back to the Mind of Trump that thought this up, or acceded to it.  

Why was Trump given the mental test, all ask?  Why didn’t they give him a test in racism?  Or a test in truth telling, i.e. a lie detector test?  The answer, is that none of these are needed.  Every Tweet, and every comment Trump makes, is reeking with dishonesty, naivety, racism, fantasy, wishful thinking, and severe egotism and narcissism.  Trump must now be up to 20,000 lies or misleading statements since he took office.  If he passed a test in realism, Trump lying must be that he has no heart or moral core.  Trump said that the doctors were surprised that he passed the test.  That is very understandable.

In my discussion of the dangers of sending kids back to school, I didn’t mention dangers to parents or grandparents.  First of all, some grandparents take care of kids when they get home from school.  They are vulnerable by age and by conditions which accumulate with age.  Even though the parents of K-12 children may be under 45, the US is afflicted with a population that is a third obese, which is a key risk factor.  Obesity also leads to other risk factors.  The Vice President has said that $13.3 billion CARES funds go to schools.  Those funds may be denied to public schools which do not reopen with in-person classes.  They may lose money from students who are vulnerable or have vulnerable parents or grandparents and which are kept home for web based classes.  States have suffered great losses of taxes for schools by the forced business close-downs, and are losing more from the second close-downs caused by the forced Republican re-openings.

Back to the Mind of Trump.  Here is the American public’s rating of the intelligence of Trump’s Coronavirus response.

The renewed second explosion of the Coronavirus under Trump’s virus blindness, which he is responsible for encouraging, means that he now deserves to have the resurgent virus name after him, the “Trump Coronavirus”.  Or name it Trump Covid-2, for the second virus outbreak that Trump could not stop.

It’s a same that the second and third highest population states are Republican, Texas and Florida, and their Republican governors followed Trumps rush to reopen, subjecting 50 million Americans to be exposed.  From the close party split in the House, we know that half of the US population is under Republican command, and is put at exceptional risk.  This will be greatly enhanced when they force their children to go back to school.

Here is the American Public’s test of Trump’s Intelligence in fighting the Coronavirus:

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Will the Coronavirus Mutate to Attack Children?

Dear Donald and Betsy:  Please do not subject our children to a Coronavirus mutation experiment.

We know that the Coronavirus is mutating, and we could have gotten the mutation arising from Europe.  It’s not that the virus is a being.  It is evolution and the zillion reproduced viral forms produced on every victim that naturally make test mutations.  The ones most likely to spread, and to massively reproduce, especially in presymptomatic victims, are the ones that will prosper and multiply.  Now, the main spread is among people age 18 to 44, since elders are wiser, and wisely sheltering.  Also, those older than 65, are likely retired and less exposed to the public.

Now, Trump is forcing K-12 schools to restart in-person classes.  Yesterday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos insisted that all schools go in-person 100%.  Today she is backing a plan to apparently remove funding from public schools and giving that to the students to use in, presumably, unscrupulous private schools which will start in-person despite the risks to children.  DeVos has personal business conflicts involving private and religious schools, and has been pushing for public funding of such schools.  They are now using children’s and their parents health as sacrifices to accomplish private school funding and getting Trump reelected.   I don’t think many religious schools would agree with sacrificing lives for their funding.

So far, children don’t really have any deaths from the virus.  But there are 6.2 million children with asthma, often from pollution, and other vulnerabilities, such as 0.2 million with Type I diabetes.  But no children want to infect their parents, and feel responsible for seeing them hospitalized.  There are 76 million school children in America.

But the possibility being speculatively raised in this article, is that with children being the new and main carriers, the Coronavirus would evolve into forms which would multiply more in children to provide more virus cells to be spread by exhaling aerosols and coughing up droplets.  That would make the children much sicker and require hospitalization and the need for oxygen.  There are other viruses which are more dangerous to children than the Coronavirus, so it may be possible for this to become one of them.

The other people vulnerable in schools are teachers and staff.  The latest data that I could quickly find on teacher’s ages was from 2011-2012 on the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) website.  Nationwide, 18.8% are over 55, and another 11.9% are between 50-55, totaling 30.7%.  The median age of teachers nationwide is 44.0 years.  In California, the number of teachers 55 or over is 23.7%, and adding 12.6% between 50-55 gives 36.3%.  Texas had 18.8% over 55, and 11.2% between 50-55, giving 30%.  Florida didn’t have any figures in the table.

Many schools start at the end of August.  California schools start much later in September.  That gives us time to see how badly the infection rate is, before we make our final commitment.  Election Day is two months after school starts, by which time we will find out the wisdom of blind reopening of 100% in-person classes, and if the Coronavirus will evolve by mutation again.

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Trump is Forcing Schools and Universities to Reopen with an Iron Fist

Trump’s Rule by “Ferrous Fistus”

Trump is ruling by an Iron Fist.  The only ruler listed ruling by an Iron Fist is Sadam Hussein of Iraq, but there are many synonyms suggested, such as Tyrant.  The “Iron Fist” also turns out to be a Marvel superhero.

Trump is forcing school districts and Universities to reopen in the fall, 100%, by every means that he thinks that he has at his disposal.  

I couldn’t find his 100% tweet, perhaps because it was taken down?  Several administration “Obsequions” are trying to excuse it by implying it was not really 100%.  They are also rushing to construct rules about this, with no guidance, since it clearly caught them by surprise.

The Acting Director of Homeland Security, no less, Ken Kuchinelli, promised some guidelines in a few weeks, presumably after they figured out what it means.  Trump said that all immigrant student visas would be cancelled to any University which did not teach in-person classes to them 100% of the time.  Maybe DHS and universities, which were also caught off-guard, would like to interpret this that 100% of only international students would have to set foot once a week in a single in-person class.  They were told to conform by July 15, in only one week, a typical Trump rush to succeed by “skiptus legalus”.  Harvard and MIT, however, have already sued.  (Ken Kuchinelli is infamous for trying to pin an email-gate on Michael Mann, the originator of the global warming “hockeypuck” curve.  Mann was cleared multiple times.)  

There are over a million international students in the US, with 400,000 from China.  They are an integral part of University funding, paying high out-of-state tuitions, which subsidize US students with financial needs.

The American Physical Society has already opposed cancelling visas, pointing out that a half of our STEM graduate students are international students.  They drive American research, and can go on to filling the American needs in the STEM fields.

I don’t yet have firm numbers of how much international students contribute to our Universities and our economy.  In the University of California they pay approximately $29,000 extra in tuition.  Nationwide, they contribute $41 billion dollars into Universities.  Plus, the students act like full time tourists for most of a year, contributing to housing, restaurants, goods, and entertainment, creating a half million jobs.  Finally, admissions, plans, and financial arrangements are already in place for the fall.  The student just can’t suddenly jump to universities elsewhere in the world.  They deserve some human rights under our immigration laws, and international standards.  Likely, Congress sets some immigration laws, not the Iron Fist.  The University of California and California State Universities will either file their own suits, or join the Harvard-MIT one.

Renfield, er, Dr. Redfield, Director of the CDC, was on TV about to redraft any CDC guidelines which might get in the way of opening any K-12 or other schools.  It will be interesting to see how private and religious schools react since the Department of Education under Secretary Betsy DeVos is party to this move.  Trump has complained that the CDC guidelines are too “tough”.

Trump couldn’t just encourage school re-opening, he had to threaten it by denying funds.  Although most of school funding is state with maybe some local enhancements, I’m sure Trump has some pot that he can use for this threat.  Republican Obsequion Governors will also now have an excuse to fall in line.  Somehow, I thought that Congress controls the allocation of funds.

As if there is not enough political and careful scientific epidemiological conflicts to be ironed out district by district, and state by state, we now have the Iron Fist intervening.  Reasonable people are trying to adopt a hybrid approach.  However, those vulnerable to Coronavirus infections, or have vulnerable parents, should be able to opt out.  This reminds us of the battle to exempt anti-vaxers, which also concerned health safety.  Except, the sides are now reversed.  Teacher’s unions also have safety clauses, and will weigh in on this.

The President is described as having a bully pulpit.  But to have it used by Super Bully is a totally new phenomena.  Which leads to a new type of governance, a “Bullyocracy”.

Personally, I think that classes in Pandemics ought to be required in K-12.  First, this is a unique opportunity to teach history as it is really happening, and of ultimate importance.  Second, a lot of parents may have distorted political viewpoints about wearing masks, and I can’t wait until grade school kids go home and tell them to wear a mask.  Children have to protect themselves and their parents, probably for several years, and need to have clear knowledge about his.

What gets me, is that Desperate Donald wants to get reelected by a resurgent economy, but this can only be achieved by slowing the Coronavirus by wearing masks and social distancing.  Yet, he and his core supporters are encouraged to ignore these basics.  “Quale Farcicus”.  If there is anyone who has made the second Coronavirus explosion start and propagate, and thus complicate school reopening, it is Trump himself.  Count on him to complicate school reopening, by still waffling on required masks and social distancing.

Trump touted school reopening in Germany, Denmark, and Sweden.  Here are the new daily virus cases in the US and those countries, courtesy of CNN.

Since we are discussing Universities, I don’t see why Trump allegedly had someone take the SATs for him.  With his father’s wealth, and even his own wealth at his young age, he could have easily contributed his way into some Ivy League school.  Knowing that Trump became President, I am actually glad that he got into good schools to give him some smattering of a good education.  Unfortunately, Trump has budget attacked Universities his entire political career, in all ways possible, all leading to delaying suits.

By the way, if it wasn’t obvious from the start, all of supposed Latin phrases are “humorous”.  I don’t know any Latin.

Posted in Coronavirus, COVID-19, Department of Education, Donald Trump, Education, Health Care, Humor | Leave a comment

IHME Projects Masking Could Save 45,000 Lives by November

IHME Projections Until November.  Masking would save 45,000 lives.

The U. Washington IHME modeling has extended projections four months from now until Nov. 1, two days before the Nov. 3 election.  They show increases at the end of the summer, perhaps due to school starting.   The projections are made today, July 7.

The US has almost reached three million cases today.  At 3.3 million, it will be 1%.  US cases are increasing at over 50,000 a day.  Today there are 131,268 US deaths.  Projected deaths on Nov. 1 will be 208,000 continuing as present, but could be reduced to 163,000, or by 45,000, or 22%, if we could have 95% wearing masks when in the presence of non-family members.

I am including Countries and States where the future projected deaths have grown dramatically from present ones, or where there is a large number of deaths to be saved by masking.  First, some world Countries.

Countries Present Deaths Projection With Masks
US 131,268 208,255 162,808
Brazil 66,741 179,703 180,551
UK 44,476 68,367 48,420
Mexico 31,119 103,977 98,257
Iran 11,931 62,251 32,254
Russia 10,478 16,883 13,974
India 20,159 —-
Peru 10.952 39,112 39,807
Israel 342 2,259 1,230

We list some state with either large increases, or many lives saved with masking.

State Deaths Projection With Masks
CA 6,484 16,827 11,904
FL 3,840 17,472 9,849
TX 2,725 13,450 6,442
PA 6,787 9,999 8,270
AZ 1,927 5,553 3,542
AL 1,033 3,443 1,682
VA 1,879 5,190 3,019
OH 2,970 5,712 3,883
IN 664 1,908 1,052
MS 1,157 2,438 1,682
NV 548 1,304 750

Roughly 31,000, or 2/3 of the 45,000 lives saved by masking are in the states listed above.  In the top three populated states, California, Florida, and Texas, the lives saved by masking total 19,554 or almost 20,000.  They are 43% of the total 45,000 lives saved by masking.

Lives saved in California are 4,923 out of a total increase of 10,343 projected deaths, or 48%.  Lives saved in Florida by masking are 7,623 out of a total increase of 13,632 projected deaths, or 56%.  Lives saved in Texas by masking are 7,008 out of a total increase of 10,725 projected deaths, or 65%.

A new study shows that half of infections come from those who are presymptomatic, that is those who do not yet show symptoms and don’t yet know that they have the virus.  That is why we have to all wear masks.

To illustrate the 95% range of projections, the California projected deaths of about 17,000 have a range of 13,000 to 24,000.  We do not necessarily trust the announced deaths in some foreign countries.

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Totally Masked Trump is Slowly Being Unmasked

Totally Masked Trump is Slowly Being Unmasked

Update:  July 7.  CNN reported from Mary Trump’s expose that Donald Trump hired another student (who she named) to take his S.A.T.’s for him.  This after two days of Trump doubling down on racist statements.  Parents have recently been sentenced to prison for cheating on their children’s SATs and using back doors for admissions.

Trump is always wearing a mask, which covers up whether he has a heart or any morals.  While others wear masks to not propagate virus droplets and aerosols, Trump’s mask still allows him to fully propagate viruses of hate, fear, racism, and political slander.  No mask can contain Trump’s massive Ego and Narcissism.  Even Trump’s most experienced political and Fox News advisors in the White House can’t contain his bad and embarrassing ideas, tweets, retweets, and lies.  By now Trump has obtained a round 20,000 lies or misstatements since he has been in office.  No innuendo, conspiracy theory, accusation, racist or white national retweet is too low for Trump.

Like no other President ever, as he likes to exaggerate, Trump has hidden everything about himself and his family.  He has threatened or actually sued, or bought off, anybody or any institution who has personal or derogatory information about him.  Most importantly, we don’t have any real picture of his health.  Other than bone spurs and living to 200 years of age.  And permanent blond hair, no glasses, and a unique orange hue.  But now, we have yet another book by an experienced Washingtonian about his incompetence by former National Security Advisor John Bolton.  At the end of July, we will see a book by Trump’s niece about Trump, his family, and his businesses and inheritance.  

Trump has fired several prosecutors for investigating him or his colleagues.  He has fired several inspector generals to not investigate him or his associates.  His Attorney General has interfered in cases to remove charges or lower sentences.  

The Supreme Court will rule soon on the revealing of Trump’s taxes, either to the House committee or the New York prosecutors.  They still won’t be made public.

Trump’s continued pursuit of dismantling the Affordable Care Act, now during our worst pandemic in a century, reveals his heartlessness about medical care for the poor.

At the Trump Rally at Mount Rushmore tonight, Trump did not mention the Coronavirus.  Only one out of 20 in the Box with him wore a mask.  Almost none of the 8,000 person audience wore masks, and many were overweight.  Fortunately, it was outside and breezy.

I don’t understand how Trump can take a July 4th event with the Air Force Band and four Flyovers, including Air Force 1, and give an hourlong Campaign speech, without violating the Hatch Act by using government support for a campaign rally.  Yet he praised supporting the Constitution.

A few days ago, the Trump campaign was unmasked when Trump could not answer Hannity’s softball question of what was he going to do in his next term.  Trump’s speech was mainly about protecting our monuments from a handful of people who sprayed graffiti on one or two, as if it was the biggest threat to our nation.  He associated this with the Democratic Party.  No mention was made of the dozens of Confederate monuments that Trump is really protecting.  He said this in front of the Lincoln Monument at Mount Rushmore.  

He praised all four Presidents in the Monument including Teddy Roosevelt, in contrast to having claimed last week that the famous Remington statue of “The Cowboy” in the Oval Office was one of Teddy Roosevelt.  Still no platform. So Trump takes a great Fourth of July Independence Day speech, patriotic music, and later fireworks, and adds to it all of the gutter slime accusations and imaginary horrors to scare the country and its voters.  The @realDonaldTrump unmasked from the slick Teleprompter Trump.

Unfortunately, attorney and Fox News star Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is now Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, has tested positive for the Coronavirus, but fortunately, she is asymptomatic.  She attended Trump’s Tulsa rally, and mixed with campaign donors, as Chair of the Trump Victory Finance Committee.

Trump has masked the identity of those who write his speeches, who does his retweeting, and who his real advisers are.  He has masked the conflicts of interest and lack of qualifications of his Cabinet and political appointees.  He has masked the distribution to businesses of $500 billion in Coronavirus relief funds.

So, while refusing to mask himself, Trump is busy trying to mask others by denying them freedom of speech, the right to peaceably assemble, the right of the Congress to investigate and have oversight, and by denigrating the press with insults and the Fake News label.  He is also trying to essentially mask voters from voting by denying them safe mail-in ballots. 

Masking is actually one of Trump’s main strategies.

Posted in 2020 Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedoms, Health Care, Humor, Mitch McConnell, Mueller Report, National Monuments, Politics, Secrecy, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Voting Rights | Leave a comment

Coronavirus Test Certifications and Registry

Coronavirus Test Certifications and Registry

Again, in this age of Big Data, the Federal Government and States are totally oblivious to how important recorded test results will be in getting through the Pandemic and back to full employment and in-person classes.  While the coming vaccine may not be fully effective (50% will pass the FDA), may come with feverish side effects for some, discouraging its use, or be easy-peasy, the vaccinated will need an official card to show that they have taken it.  Since cards are forgeable, there will also have to be an official computerized list.  This could get people okayed for jobs, children and other students admitted to class, and get people onto transportation as planes, buses, subways, and cruise ships.

In the half year to a full year before that, positive or negative virus tests, anti-body tests, and hospitalization records and exit tests could clear people for the same safety checks as a vaccine.  Even if someone tests positive now for a virus, the presumption would be that after a time they would be safe and also equipped with anti-bodies.  People leaving hospitals are cleared by two successive negative tests.  

Already, there are 2.7 million tested positive US cases.   While the CDC factor or 10 times as many real cases was only valid in March and April when there was a steep rise, we are again in that situation.  Applying that, would mean that 27 million Americans could already or soon pass an anti-body test.  That is already 8.3% of Americans, who could soon be given safety cards, for whatever situations they would apply.  With our present and future haphazard (literally) restarts of the economy and virus waves, that will rise to a considerable fraction of the population.  

Presently, we are testing plateaued at what is bragged at as a half million tests a day.  But with 330 million Americans, it would take 660 days to test them all, and then after almost two years, you would have to start all over, since we don’t know how long the antibodies last, more than the four months that we have had cases.  

Also, the Coronavirus has already mutated once to a more spreadable, and just as dangerous form.  As the virus gains more footholds, and continually spreads and respreads around the world, we expect many more mutations.  This complicates the question of built-up immunity after an infection, of herd immunity, and the design of more effective and comprehensive vaccines. 

In all cases, we need machine imbed-able readable cards and available web lists to document all of the testing which has occurred, and appropriate clearances for tested from the results.   

Of course, there will always be the paranoid anti-carders in America.  But if they want first choice for jobs, or discounted airline tickets occupying middle seats,  or discounted movie tickets, they might come around.  They also might be more popular on dating sites.

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