Category Archives: Mueller Report

Is the Senate Capable of Conducting a Fair Impeachment Trial?

Is the Senate Capable of Conducting a Fair Impeachment Trial? As a previous Professor, I of course always am concerned with the educational backgrounds of people to fill certain positions.  This of course has to be time weighted, since in … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Fifth Amendment, Impeachment, Kavanaugh, Mueller Report, Politics, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Twitter | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Strange Case of William Barr: Is His Sycophancy Innate or Adopted?

The Strange Case of William Barr:  Is His Sycophancy Innate or Adopted? There are obvious gains to be made by serving a strong leader.  These gains are even enhanced by whatever you can do to enhance the status of your … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Criminal Justice System, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedoms, Humor, Mueller Report, Politics, Secrecy, Trump Administration | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Trump Apocalypse

The Trump Apocalypse One thinks of the Apocalypse coming with its traditional four horsemen.  But with VP Pence calling on all countries to investigate the Democratic candidates, and all of the involved people, and all of the whistleblowers, and all … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, American Carnage, Clinton, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Humor, Impeachment, Mueller Report, Negotiations, Politics, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Trump's Mental Health, VP Pence, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Did Conspiracy Theories Entrap Trump Into Five Impeachment Counts?

Did Conspiracy Theories Entrap Trump Into Five Impeachment Counts? Trump has often been criticized for not trusting his intelligence agencies, or the Department of State.  Now, it is clear that he was believing in right wing conspiracy theories rather than … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Clinton, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Cybersecurity, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Fifth Amendment, Fox News, Gun Control, Guns, Humor, Immigration Policy, Impeachment, Joe Biden, Mueller Report, Politics, Purge, Russia, Secrecy, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Trump Wall, US Intelligence Agencies, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

We Need Stronger Limits on Presidential and DOJ Powers

We Need Stronger Limits on Presidential and DOJ Powers We have a President who has a non-Constitutional, volunteer, personal (?) lawyer who guarantees him that he has powers beyond the Constitution, that he has Absolute Rights (?), and that he … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Fox News, Humor, Impeachment, Kavanaugh, Mueller Report, Nuclear Weapons, Oil, Politics, Supreme Court, VP Pence | Tagged | Leave a comment

Trump, the Legend

Trump, the Legend Trump does indeed have the world’s greatest memory, because it completely forgets, forever, whatever he could be impeached for.  Trump’s failed memory on these very important obstruction actions is the greatest evidence that the VP and cabinet … Continue reading

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The Purge Begins

The Purge Begins Update, the next morning, Tuesday, March 26.  The New York Post has put out a sarcastic playoff chart of 32 news or entertainment people which it calls Mueller Madness, as in the March Madness NCAA basketball playoff. … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Congressional Investigation, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Mueller Report | Tagged | Leave a comment