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- UC Irvine Links From the Commitment to Inclusive Excellence Town Hall March 11, 2025
- Dependence of University of California Grants and Student Aid on Federal Grants November 10, 2024
- Looking Back Through Photos of “Were We Better Off Then” for President 45. August 24, 2024
- San Diego County, New Cancers and Cancer Deaths, 2017-2021 August 4, 2024
- Los Angeles County, California, Rates of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths, 2017-2021 August 4, 2024
- Orange County, California, Rates of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths From 2017-2021 August 4, 2024
- Leading Risk Factors for New Cancers in 2021 and Their Demographics August 2, 2024
- California Rates of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths from 2017-2021 August 1, 2024
- Reduction in the Rates of New Cancers and Cancer Deaths in the US and in California, Texas, Florida, and New York July 31, 2024
- Problems with Telepathy and Teleportation and their Supplementation with Science July 26, 2024
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Category Archives: Secrecy
The Strange Case of William Barr: Is His Sycophancy Innate or Adopted?
The Strange Case of William Barr: Is His Sycophancy Innate or Adopted? There are obvious gains to be made by serving a strong leader. These gains are even enhanced by whatever you can do to enhance the status of your … Continue reading
Did Conspiracy Theories Entrap Trump Into Five Impeachment Counts?
Did Conspiracy Theories Entrap Trump Into Five Impeachment Counts? Trump has often been criticized for not trusting his intelligence agencies, or the Department of State. Now, it is clear that he was believing in right wing conspiracy theories rather than … Continue reading
Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Clinton, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Cybersecurity, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Fifth Amendment, Fox News, Gun Control, Guns, Humor, Immigration Policy, Impeachment, Joe Biden, Mueller Report, Politics, Purge, Russia, Secrecy, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Trump Wall, US Intelligence Agencies, White House
Tagged Donald Trump
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Hints That Trump Might Run a Fixed Election, Major Update 1
Hints That Trump Might Run a Fixed Election, Major Update 1 Update: 9/27. Well, since the article is about fixing the election, I have to keep adding new abuses. The Washington Post just revealed that when Trump met with the … Continue reading
Posted in 2020 Election, 2020 Primaries, Affairs of State, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Establishment Clause, Fifth Amendment, First Amendment, Gerrymandering, Joe Biden, Middle East, Negotiations, Politics, Secrecy, Trump Administration, White House
Tagged Donald Trump
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Dictators Suppressing the Press and Opponents Often Backfires
Why Don’t Dictators See that Suppressing the Press or Opponents Only Leads to Vastly More Negative Publicity? Why is it that the killing of one of Putin’s political opponents outside the Kremlin wasn’t forseen as elevating an unknown opponent to … Continue reading
Trump’s Response: Rage, Denial, Shoot the Messenger, Persecute the Press
Trump’s Response: Rage, Denial, Shoot the Messenger, Persecute the Press None of these are going to help improve his governance, and, in fact, they are all going to make it much worse. Since Trump is paranoid, he will start another … Continue reading
Posted in Humor, Secrecy, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Trump's Logic, Trump's Mental Health, White House
Tagged Donald Trump
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Trump’s Homework for Dictatorship 101, Lesson 4: Purge, Purge, Purge
Trump’s Homework for Dictatorship 101, Lesson 4: Purge, Purge, Purge In Trump’s course from Czar Vlad Putin, Trump has successively completed the first three lessons in becoming a dictator: Lesson 1: Destroy the Free Press everyday, in everywhere. Everyone in … Continue reading
Posted in Affairs of State, Children, Congress, Congressional Investigation, First Amendment, Fox News, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Freedoms, Immigration Policy, Russia, Secrecy, State Department, Supreme Court, Trump Administration
Tagged Donald Trump
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Trump Has Gone Critical, and Phase Transitioned to Dictator
Trump Has Gone Critical, and Phase Transitioned to Dictator Apparently, Putin has completed his tutoring of Trump in Dictatorship 101. Recently, on June 17, I noted that Trump’s increasing frequency of independent and disruptive stances and behaviors was like a … Continue reading
Posted in 2016 Election, 2018 Midterm Election, Affairs of State, Congress, Cybersecurity, First Amendment, Fox News, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Politics, Secrecy, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Trump's Mental Health, White House
Tagged Donald Trump
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Families Belong Together Rally in Laguna Beach
Families Belong Together Rally In Laguna Beach On June 30, 2018, we held a rally on Main Beach in Laguna Beach, CA, for the Families Belong Together movement. I took 160 photos of the signs and the crowd. As usual, … Continue reading
Children Have International Rights, Just Not In the US
Children Have International Rights, Just Not In the US The UN has a Convention of the Rights of the Child, which was ratified at the UN in New York City in 1989. It was signed by all 196 eligible members … Continue reading
Trump’s Lies: 3,000 X 3 X 23 X 2, or 3,000 X 2 X 2.8 million
Trump’s Lies: 3,000 X 3 X 23 X 2, or 3,000 X 2 X 2.8 million Let us look at the total effect of Trump’s lies by the end of his term of office, compounded by the best liars in … Continue reading