Category Archives: Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th

Election Probabilities for the US, California, and CA 45th, 48th, and 49th from Nate Silver

Election Probabilities for the US, California, and CA 45th, 48th, and 49th, from Nate Silver We present midterm election probabilities from Nate Silver, who uses multi-factor statistical analyses, covering US, California, and local house races.  The website is The … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Congress, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th, Mimi Walters CA 45th | Tagged | Leave a comment

Funds for Orange County Congressional Candidates

Funds for Local and Another CA Congressional District The funding reports are totals of the 2018 race from 2017-18, filed for the third quarter on 9/30/2018.  They are only for the final two candidates.  The data are taken from, … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th, Mimi Walters CA 45th, Politics | Leave a comment

June 30 Report on Campaign Finances for the CA 48th District Race

June 30 Report on Campaign Finances for the CA 48th District Race We will present the funds raised, spent, and on hand for the three main candidates in the primary of the CA 48th district, as filed on June 30, … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th | Leave a comment

Families Belong Together Rally in Laguna Beach

Families Belong Together Rally In Laguna Beach On June 30, 2018, we held a rally on Main Beach in Laguna Beach, CA, for the Families Belong Together movement. I took 160 photos of the signs and the crowd. As usual, … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Children, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th, Dreamers, Families Belong Together, Fifth Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to Petition, Laguna Beach Rally, Secrecy, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness | Tagged | Leave a comment

June 23, The Count is Over in CA 48th. Rouda Ahead by 126 for Democrats

June 23, The Count is Over in CA 48th. Rouda Ahead by 126 for Democrats. Update:  According to the LA Times, Keirstead conceded and congratulated Rouda, and pledged to “work in unison…to make sure Democrats and science prevail in November.” … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th | Leave a comment

June 22 Update on the CA 48th Congressional District Primary

June 22 Update on the CA 48th Congressional District Primary Democrat Harley Rouda has increased his lead over Democrat Hans Keirstead to 125 votes, from 97 yesterday, and 62 the day before. An air pollution group has now determined that … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, Air Quality, Autos, CAFE Standards, California Smog, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th | Tagged | Leave a comment

June 21, Summer Solstice, report on the CA 48th Congressional District Primary

June 21, Summer Solstice, report on the CA 48th Congressional District Primary To cut to the chase, since it literally is, Democrat Harley Rouda now leads Democrat Hans Keirstead by 97 votes, up from 62 last night. For Orange County, … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th | Leave a comment

June 20 Update for the CA 48th Congressional District

June 20 Update for the CA 48th Congressional District Jordan Graham in the OC Register interviewed the OC Registrar of Voters and found that they will finish counting ballots on Saturday night, and then certify the election on Monday. He … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th | Leave a comment

June 19 Update on CA 48th Congressional District

June 19 Update on CA 48th Congressional District Today is two weeks after the June 5 Primary election. Harvey Rouda is slowly extending his lead for his second leading day, from 40 votes to 69 votes. Since the topic of … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, Children, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th | Tagged | Leave a comment

June 18 Update for CA 48th Congressional District

June 18 Update for CA 48th Congressional District Harley Rouda’s supporters will remember this day as Turnaround Day. Today, Democrat Rouda went ahead of Democrat Hans Keirstead by 40 votes, in the race for the number two spot in the … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 California Primary, 2018 Midterm Election, Dana Rohrabacher CA 48th | Leave a comment