Category Archives: Kavanaugh

In the Age of Trump-McConnell, We Have All Been Lessened

In the Age of Trump-McConnell, We Have All Been Lessened In any other Senate, nobody would have allowed Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to withhold a Supreme Court Nomination for 9 or 11 months.  With the open appointment, this made it … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 Election, Affairs of State, California Democratic Primary, Congress, Constitution, Equal Treatment Under the Law, Families Belong Together, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Global Climate Action Summit, Immigration Policy, Kavanaugh, Laguna Beach Rally, March For Our Lives, Politics, State Department, Supreme Court, Travel Ban, Trump Administration, Trump Truthiness, Trump's Mental Health, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Republican Senate Completes the Theft of the American Justice System for Trump

The Republican Senate Completes the Theft of the American Justice System for Trump It started with Judicial appointments just requiring a majority vote instead of a supermajority of 60, since Republicans were blocking Democratic judicial appointments. Then Republicans changed the … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Criminal Justice System, Freedom of the Press, Kavanaugh, Supreme Court | Tagged | Leave a comment

New Trump -ocracies, Part 2

New Trump -ocracies, Part 2 We have more -ocratic forms of Trump’s ruling methods, that would make the previous part 1 too long, so we include them here.  Other than my level classification of  “you can’t make this stuff up” … Continue reading

Posted in 2016 Election, 2018 Midterm Election, Affairs of State, Congress, Free Trade, Gerrymandering, Humor, Kavanaugh, Paris Climate Agreement, Politics, Regulations, Supreme Court, Trump Administration, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Bart of Vengeance Reigns Supreme

The Bart of Vengeance Reigns Supreme According to Senator Collins, Judge Kavanaugh has been “exemplary in all things”, apparently, except when he had to appear before the Judiciary Committee in a job interview for the highest judicial job in the … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Humor, Kavanaugh, Russia, Trump Administration, White House, Women’s Rights | Tagged | Leave a comment

Con Job Complete: FBI Kavanaugh Background Redux

Con Job Complete:  FBI Kavanaugh Background Redux We know that Trump likes to limit and end investigations by complaining about their few million dollar costs.  They are, after all, a fraction of Trump’s yearly expenses flying to one of his … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Kavanaugh, Trump Administration, White House | Tagged | Leave a comment

Rudy Giuliani Triumphs: “Truth Isn’t Truth”

Rudy Giuliani Triumphs:  “Truth Isn’t Truth” This is an escalation of Kellyanne’s inauguration of the Trump Era showing that under Trump we would be living in an alternate reality of “alternative facts.”  Kellyanne was followed by Trump’s favorite phrase “fake … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Kavanaugh, Kellyanne | Tagged | Leave a comment

What Bothers Me About Kavanaugh

What Bothers Me About Kavanaugh  Commenters are arguing about fine details.  Part of it is politics.  When the Republicans “plow this through”, the Democrats will tag onto the Republicans all of the perceived sins of Kavanaugh, and an incredibly large … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Clean Energy, Climate Change, Kavanaugh | Tagged | Leave a comment

An FBI Investigation of a Con Man Run by Four Con Men is a Con Job

An FBI Investigation of a Con Man Run by Four Con Men is a Con Job Period.  Enough Said? Update, Oct. 2, Tuesday.  Trump at a rally trashed Dr. Blasey’s story because she did not remember details.  It almost seems … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Congressional Investigation, Humor, Kavanaugh, Public Confidence, Supreme Court, Trump Administration | Tagged | Leave a comment

Jon Lovitz, Trump, Kavanaugh, and Harvard

Jon Lovitz, Trump, Kavanaugh, and Harvard We are going to see Jon Lovitz on Saturday evening at UC Irvine at the Barclay Theater.  Few people know that he once was listed as UCI’s most popular alumnus.  He perfected the part … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Congress, Congressional Investigation, Constitution, Kavanaugh, Politics, Supreme Court, Trump Administration | Tagged | Leave a comment

Committee Chair Chuck Grassley Steals the Judiciary Committee Recommendation

Committee Chair Chuck Grassley Steals the Judiciary Committee Recommendation It’s unbelievable!  The “two hour rule” has just sent an accused child attempted rapist to the Supreme Court, or at least to the Senate. Jeff Flake on the Judiciary Committee moved … Continue reading

Posted in 2018 Midterm Election, Congress, Kavanaugh, Politics | Tagged | Leave a comment