Best Wishes to President Trump and Melania for Recovery from the Coronavirus.

We extend our best wishes to Donald and Melania Trump in dealing with their Covid-19 infection.  They will get the best medical treatment and aid possible.

Just because Hope Hicks was the first to test positive does not mean that she was the source that brought it into the White House.  There had been a report of an infected distant and unnamed White House staffer earlier.  But with the crowded and unmasked White House staff, many members have already been infected.  Many will also have to quarantine and work from home.  There was an outdoor party for Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett last Saturday where we reported everybody mixing unmasked and crowded, just four days before Hope Hicks showed symptoms on Wednesday, and tested positive Thursday morning.  

VP Pence met with the President on Tuesday, and undoubtedly will have to quarantine.  Trump met with a group of donors this week also.  Will the hearings for Judge Barrett have to be postponed?

It is 33 days until the election. 

Hopefully, Republicans and Trump’s followers will realize that the Coronavirus is readily transmissible and very serious, and start taking it seriously.  This would increase masking and social distancing.  The Governors who have slavishly followed Trump’s reopening at all costs and hiding the infection data (Ron DeSantis of Florida) will finally be pressured by reasonable people to give in to their wishes to allow them to protect themselves.  The cancellation of Trump’s rallies should help eliminate some serious spreading events.

Oddly, an article just appeared that statins, which many take for prevention of heart problems, do lead to some protection from the Coronavirus.  I once saw a mention that Trump does take statins, although we do not know much about his health condition.

Posted in 2020 Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Health Care | Leave a comment

US States and World Country Coronavirus Infections and Masking

The IHME U. Of Washington model comes with maps of US States and World Countries with their percentages of infections.  In the US, we can also compare the projection to New Year’s, January 1, 2021.  We also show a map of the percentage of people masking in each states.

These are the IHME estimated percent infected as of September 21, 2020.  I don’t know what the national average is, but the states are even more relevant, since policies are often set by states.

Noting the four highest population states, I think that California is 4%-6.9%, Texas is 10.5%-13.4%, Florida is 7%-10.4%, and New York is 19.5%-22.4%.

This map has the percent infected by states on January 1, 2021.

On January 1, the four largest states are projected to rise to:  California 13.5%-16.4%; Texas 22.5%-25.9%; Florida 13.5%-16.4%; and New York 22.5%-25.9%.

Those wearing masks on September 21 by State are below.

California masks at 57%, Texas at 55%, Florida at 58%, and New York at 44%.  The US average is 48%.

The infectiousness or contagiousness is not directly the total who have been infected, but the sum of those infected over the last 14 days, times an infectability curve, before antibodies are developed.

The September 21 map of infections by countries is given below, along with a close up of South America.  The detailed US map is the first one above.

The detailed South America Map is below.

The darkest orange state on the Pacific Ocean is Ecuador, with greater than 46.5% infected.  The dark orange is the Roraima state of Brazil, with 39.8%-46.4%, and below that is Amazonas with 28.5%-34.1%.  The darkest green on the Atlantic is Uruguay with 2.9%-5.7%, and above that is Rio Grande do Sul,  with 5.8-11.4%.

While claims by President Trump that the Coronavirus will someday just fade away seem unreasonable, the IHME also published the projections of five other models of which four show that.  The IHME high growth curve is the top green one.


By this weekend, we may see an extension of IHME through a holiday bump to February 1, which could be shocking.

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Trump Thought He Was at a Rally, Rather Than a National Debate

Trump Misjudged His Audience

I realize what went wrong at the first, and hopefully last, Trump – Biden debate.  Trump has been attending too many rallies, where his abusive lines go unchallenged and get cheers.  Trump didn’t really consider that the first debate was addressing all of the tens of millions of caring people in America.  They were judging candidates on how Presidential they were acting, and how seriously they could address the issues causing them severe economic stress, unemployment, and fear of catching the Coronavirus.  

So Trump kept throwing out his rally Zingers:  racist, endorsing white supremacists, denigrating Biden’s son (who is not actually running for anything), and denigrating all Democratic mayors and governors, who even many of the important Independents in the audience voted for.

Trump would not address unemployment with restructuring plans, Coronavirus relief plans with subsidies, and would not even endorse mask wearing and social distancing, even making fun of Biden again for setting an example, even when not needed.  He simply made wild charges that Biden would have done worse, although Biden did not have the foreign and health intelligence that Trump had and kept secret.  Trump did not answer many of the direct and repeated questions about his tax dodging, global warming, nor pandemic actions, undoubtedly because he had no acceptable answers.  He had no answer of how to replace health care for 23 million when his new Supreme Court tosses out Obamacare, or how to stop 103 million Americans with preexisting conditions from being tossed, or how to help unemployed Americans with temporary health care, in the midst of a pandemic.

The Kellyanne Conway and Kayleigh McEnany rhetoric of never stop talking, and shift from defense to attack on some irrelevant Democrat elsewhere, and in days past, just wasn’t appropriate.

Too many rallies, too little time spent on serious matters.  The flag and Trump MAGA dressed cheering rally attendees are a fan club, not the American public, nor even Republican regulars.

Here is a Washington Post fact-checking through Apple News, that shows that all of Trump’s charges were false.

It was embarrassing that Trump brought up Joe Biden’s son Hunter, and his problem with drug addiction.  Joe did not attack Trump’s family at all, but Trump’s brother Fred Trump Jr. died of a heart attack caused by alcoholism.  Somehow, Trump thought that there was a genetic connection, because that is why Trump does not drink.  Is that why Trump suggested a day before the debate that Biden should take a drug test?  This is very crude, and Trump should have had sympathy from what happened to his own family.  Trump cheated Fred Jr’s daughter Mary Trump out of her inheritance, by claiming that the family was only worth a few million dollars.  She is now suing on that.

Trump also brought up Biden’s college grades.  Trump sued his own colleges and schools to block them from ever releasing his grades.  Statements have been made that Trump paid somebody to take his SATs.  And, that he got into the U. Of Penn. because his brother knew somebody in admissions.  Trump has said that “people say” he was at the top of his class.  They pretty much say the opposite.  Anybody that would hire a talking head from Fox News as the Director of the National Economic Council, namely Larry Kudlow, didn’t learn what the Wharton School was teaching.  Trump took courses at Wharton, but was not actually admitted there.

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We Really Need a Debate between The Godfather and Science and Law

We Really Need a Debate between The Godfather and Science and Law

Trump, The Godfather, has destroyed Science in government, health, and in public education, and subverted the Law through the Department of Justice and the Courts.  Our decision should not be between The Godfather and one political opponent, VP Joe Biden, in only an hour and a half.  Trump’s destruction of the nation is all around us in Hurricanes, Wildfires, Air Pollution, 200,000 Coronavirus deaths, soon to double, and the destruction of all climate change regulations and plans.  The Triumvirate of Trump, Barr, and McConnell have destroyed our Constitutional, Legal and Court system, and now are destroying the fundamental election system of our Democracy.

It would take me five years of free Press stories and 20,000 lie fact checking to expand on this, so I don’t really have to do it.  It’s been done.  Here are the 100 environmental regulations that Trump has rolled back.  Trump’s tentacles of political appointees are blasting blue ink to fog science throughout the government and now history in education.  His 200 identical Federalist and three Supreme Court lifelong appointments are seeds for total disruption which will bear bitter fruit for decades, even as more Americans want to move further forward toward freedom and equity. 

The performance of four debates will not stop The Godfather from violating Natural and Legal laws, and destroying our World and Democratic society.

Posted in 2020 Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Joe Biden | Leave a comment

One Million Global Deaths will Increase to 2.5 Million by Next Year

One Million Global Deaths will Increase to 2.5 Million by Next Year

The number of Global Deaths is almost at a Million, at 0.988 million today.  The IHME projection is for 2.518 million by January 1, or 2 and a 1/2 million by New Years, which is a global holiday.  Subtracting the current million lives lost, that will be another 1.5 million lives lost.

The current world masking is at 58%.  If we adopted masking at 95% that could be reduced to 1.814 million, saving 0.704 million or 704,000 lives.  That is 3 and a half times as many lives as the US has lost so far.

The estimated number of global infections is 1,965 thousand or almost 2 million, while confirmed infections are 250 thousand, giving a ratio of 7.86.  Graphically, the IHME shows that only 10% of global infections are detected, so the ratio is 10.  So we have two sources within the IHME, but they are very close numbers.

There are 32.7 million global cases so far.  Of course, over the year that the cases occurred, the ratio was different, but since I am naive, I would say that there are at least 10 x 33 million = 330 million global cases.  Out of the the world population of 7,800 million, this says that 4.2% of the world population has been infected.

On January 1, global daily deaths are projected to be 33,272 per day.  With 95% masking, this can be reduced to almost half, at 17,456 deaths per day.  The exact ratio is a reduction to 52.5%.  In looking at other countries, even an increase of masking to 80% will prevent most of the extra deaths. 

If typical infected are infectious for 14 days, and 2 million are infected each day, then 28 million people are going around infectious in the world.  Out of the 7,800 million world population, this is one out of every 280 people, or roughly, one out of 300.  

Recall, that the result for the US in the last article was 1 out of 200 are infectious.  I also did this for the IHME model for Europe and Central Asia which also includes Russia, and got the result of 1 out of every 400 is infectious on any given day.

If worldwide herd immunity occurred at 60%, the IHME says that there will be 15.7 million deaths.  If herd immunity occurs at 50%, there would be 13.1 million deaths.  And if herd immunity occurs at 40%, there would be 10.4 million deaths.

As I finish this, I am watching the White House nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court, where the White House personnel and guests, including Chris Christy, and HHS Secretary Alex Azar weren’t masked, nor were the closely packed people waiting in line and closely seated for hours for Trump’s upcoming rally in Middletown Pennsylvania.

Since this whole series of articles is on Health Care, I cannot exclude pointing out that Justice Barrett will vote against the Affordable Care Act, removing complete health care from 23 million Americans, and subjecting 103 million Americans to losing health care for pre-existing conditions.  This could also include having caught the Coronavirus.

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IHME Projects US Cases Are Actually Triple Those Measured at Now 7 Million

IHME Projects US Cases Are Actually Triple Those Measured.  US now at 7 million confirmed cases.  96,000 Lives Savable by Masking by January 1.

The Sept. 24 IHME projections are out, and are not much changed from last weeks.  However, we pursue further the actual number of Americans who have been infected, and make a crude and naive estimate of the number who may be infectious at the present time, and what that means to you.  Again, I am not an epidemiologist, so take these estimates with a grain of viral load.

First we start with the projections.  The number of US deaths recorded from the Coronavirus is currently 203,147.  The IHME projection for US deaths reached on January 1 is at 371,509, down slightly from a projected 378,000 last week, and 415,000 the week before.  Many of these occur in a holidays surge in the last weeks of December, based on what happened during the Southern Hemispheres winter.  This is due to in-person schools, cold weather forcing people indoors, the seasonal flu, and for us, students returning for the holidays and holiday celebrations.

The US is currently at only 48% masking.  The IHME estimate for 95% masking starting immediately would only result in an estimated total deaths of 275,062 by January 1, thus saving 96,447 American lives.  Since we are at at 203,147 current deaths, that would give 71,915 more deaths by January 1, instead of 168,362, with which to celebrate the New Year.  The almost 72,000 out of almost 170,000, which cuts down deaths to 43% of those without extra masking.  Comparison with other countries shows that even 80% masking gets rid of most of the extra deaths.  While masking reduces the risk of infection to the wearer to 1/3, social distancing reduces it to 1/10.  Outdoor cuts the rate down to 1/18 of that indoors.

Daily deaths on January 1 are currently projected at 3,052, but with 95% masking will be reduced to 1,185 deaths per day.  That is a reduction to 38.8% or about 40% to those with just current 48% masking.  Current deaths fluctuate around 1,000 per day.

Now we get into my naive use of the data.  The IHME estimated infections for Sept. 24 is 126,838.  Recent testing data of confirmed cases are around 40,000 per day for the US.  That means that the ratio of new cases to confirmed and counted ones is about 3.2 to 1.  Here is an even more naive assumption:  people who get infected, are infectious for 14 days.  They are actually maximally infective during their earliest days.  So if you have 40,000 x 3.2 = 127,000 new cases a day, times 14 days, gives 1.8 million infectious Americans on any given day.  With our 330 million population, that is one out of 180, or lets say, 1 out of 200 Americans is infectious on any given day.  When daily deaths triple by January 1, this will be 1 out of every 70 Americans.

Consequently, when you go to a political rally with say 5,000 unmasked, crowded, and yelling people, likely 25 infectious people will be there with you.  But wait, those surrounding you believe that the whole Coronavirus is a hoax, and have been acting in accord with that, exposing themselves every day without precautions, so the real number of infectious people could be many times that.

The state with the largest population (40 million) and almost tied with New York for projected Coronavirus deaths is California.  Currently we have 15,415 deaths from the Coronavirus.  The IHME January 1 projected deaths are 43,211, although this can be reduced to 28,073 by 95% masking, saving 15,133 lives.  That is almost as many as we have already lost!  Current masking in California is at 57%.  Without increased masking, we will lose 27,796 more, which can be reduced to 12,658 lives lost, a reduction to 45.5% of losses.

Now we stick our neck out again to note that on Sept. 24, there were an estimated 13,946 new infections, yet only about 4,000 are being confirmed a day in California.  That means that there are 3.5 times the number of actual cases as those confirmed.

Multiplying the 14,000 new infections a day times 14 days of infectiousness gives about 200,000 infectious Californians on any given day.  Out of 40 million Californians, that is 1/200 of the people you meet here are infectious.  This is the same number as for the US as a whole, and might in fact be built into the model.

We now estimate the fatality rate for the US from the model.  There are 200,000 US deaths out of 7 million confirmed cases giving an “apparent” rate of 2.9%.  Applying the US factor of 3.2 to give the real fatality rate gives 2.9%/3.2 = 0.90%, or slightly less than 1%.

We note that the IHME shows graphically the US detection rate at 23%, who’s reciprocal is 4.35, which would give the real fatality rate of 2.9%/4.35 = 0.67%.  We have used this in previous articles, but decided to try the other approach today.  Still, they are not that far apart, but we would of course prefer that the lower one be true.

Update:  Sept. 26.  Using the 4.35 factor of total cases over detected time 7 million detected cases give 30.4 million infected Americans.  Dividing by the US population of 330 million gives 9.22% of Americans infected.  Serology tests reported yesterday gave near 9% positivity or infection rate for the US, in good agreement with the IHME figures.

So what IHME essentially does is triple the probability of infection, but cut the fatality rate down to a third of the apparent rate.

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Two Hundred Thousand Deaths, and there is no October Surprise in IHME Projections

Two hundred thousand, and there is no October Surprise in IHME Projections.

The landmark of 200,000 deaths by Coronavirus is very important.  Some interviews with people still think that the number of deaths is only in the thousands, or ten thousand.  This gives them a definite number to ponder and remember.  It’s also important that it is almost going to double by January 1, due to escalating growth over the holidays, which we should act to avoid.

So we looked for an October surprise, which might appear by November 1 near Election Day.  There isn’t a noticeable one in the IHME projections..

We give a table of the present deaths for the US and for the four highest population and leading states, followed by their Nov. 1, Dec. 1, and Jan. 1 IHME projections.  This is the standard projection with US masking only at 45%.

State Present Deaths Deaths on Nov. 1 Deaths on Dec. 1 Deaths on Jan. 1
US 200,763 229,587 279,424 378,321
NY 33,090 33,974 36,203 43,857
CA 15,183 19,478 27,257 43,856
TX 15,227 17,965 21,260 29,319
FL 13,416 18,417 23,926 26,472

For Californians, however, there will be almost triple the number of deaths by January 1.

For Texans, they will almost double their deaths by January 1.

We also see that Florida will almost double its deaths by January 1.


Posted in 2020 Election, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Donald Trump, Health Care, IHME Projections | Leave a comment

Dr. Fauci and Data on Coronavirus Hospitalizations by Age, Race, and Conditions

Dr. Fauci and Data on Coronavirus Hospitalizations by Age, Race, and Conditions


Dr. Anthony Fauci gave a detailed lecture to the MIT Biology Course on the Coronavirus this morning.  Here is the link to previous speakers, and Dr. Fauci’s talk will appear in a few days.  Dr. Fauci has spent 36 years as the Director of the NIAID, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  He has increased scientific research funding, dealt with HIV/AIDS treatment, and dealt with past Coronaviruses, SARS in 2002-3, and MERS.  The NIAID budget is $5.9 billion in 2020.  He has advised six Presidents over nine Presidential terms.

He repeated the range of herd immunity for the Coronavirus of 50-75%.  He noted that three vaccines are being tested, with 30,000, 44,000, and 60,000 subjects.  These started at the end of July.  He said that we will know if they are successful in November or December, and maybe in October.  They are looking for at least 50% effectiveness and also safety.

The data and independent judgements on vaccine trials are done by the Data and Safety Monitoring Board.  We don’t know what the data are yet.  If the results of the double blind studies have not been unmasked yet, how can the President know that they are favorable?

We don’t know if we have to revaccinate every year, like colds that come back every year, even if we have had them in the past.

In the Southern Hemisphere’s winter during April to August, their Coronavirus prevention measures led to an almost non-existent flu season.

Here are four of Dr. Fauci’s key data slides.

It is now considered that only 20% of those infected with Coronavirus are symptom free.  Diagnosing without a test gets more complicated during flu season, so get a flu shot.  This makes temperature screening look more useful.  Remember, that there are two to three days after infection when those infected are presymptomatic, but can still spread the Coronavirus


The number of hospitalizations per hundred thousand by age, mostly in ten year age intervals (note 50-64) is shown below.


The prevalence of conditions which can lead to complications from the Coronavirus is present in about 41% of American adults, of which 31% is from obesity, and 11% is from diabetes.  The number exceed the total of 41% since some people have more than one condition.


The number of hospitalization by race and ethnicity per hundred thousand is heavily weighted to Blacks, Hispanic, and Native American, by a factor of almost 5 (4.7) compared to Whites.  Asian Americans are hospitalized at 1.3 times Whites.


The number of deaths per hundred thousand by Race or Ethnicity show that Blacks are dying at 2.4 times that of Whites, and Latinos by 50% greater.  Asians are about the same as Whites.  There are many factors leading to this, such as minorities having more essential jobs contacting the public, possibly not being covered by health care, having more comorbidities, or receiving poorer health care. 

Today is one day after the United States reached 200,000 Coronavirus deaths.

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Trump’s Warp Speed Back to the Origin

Trump’s Warp Speed Back to the Origin

The guy who brags about founding the Space Force (echo, echo, echo).  The guy who pitches going back to the Moon after 54 years as sending men to Mars.  The guy who buys hundreds of millions of vaccine doses before approval (actually a good gamble) and names it Warp Speed.  The guy who builds state of the architecture Casinos and Towers.  Why on Planet Earth does he install Three Hundred Federal Judges and Three Supreme Court Justices who’s judicial philosophy is to interpret the Constitution as it was viewed when passed in 1789, two hundred and thirty one years ago!

What was so farsighted by those farmers and plantation and slave owners, without even including a woman’s right to vote, whose guns took a minute to load one single shot, that could be the guiding force of today.  Remember, that our Democracy preceded other Democracies, and did not benefit from centuries of experience.  From Trump’s singular point of view, it was still 71 years before the first golf tournament was invented, and only 25 years after the first 18 hole course was established.

Right now, Trump is stacking the Courts to limit and reverse Roe vs. Wade, which was ruled to allow abortion, in 1973.  This precedent has stood for 47 years.  Of Trump’s two leading candidate Justices, one is 48 and the other 52 years of age, so one was 1 year old, and the other 5 years old.  Yet, at least one is sure that the case was misdecided, something that has eluded the Supreme Court for 47 years?

Reinterpreting an ancient document by interpretations of the founders, rather than the realizations of the complexities of two hundred and thirty one years of experience and historical and modern development, is doomed to be an enormous failure.  Especially in the eyes of the innovative and supreme leader described in the first paragraph, who is the best that there has ever been in the 57 Presidential terms of this country.  I’m sure that Trump even golfs with the latest clubs and balls even out just this year, not relics from the 15th century, much less, last year.

This reinterpretation of the oldest, and Trump’s favorite book, the Bible, has led to over 200 Christian denominations in the US. 

Any sensible choice of a Supreme Court would be responding to a large array of valuable legal concepts and segments of our society, and over the years, ruling with the best of our ideas.  Making the entire Federal Judiciary and Court System with only one fixed philosophy going back twelve generations by the current 20 year term of each generation, is absurd.

Let’s take Trump’s favorite Second Amendment.  It was just recently reinterpreted to drop the first half of the sentence, the part about a well formed militia.  Any Originalist would immediately rejoin the two halves.  They also would immediately recall all guns, and replace them with Muskets that could only load and fire one ball a minute.  That would really save ten thousand lives a year.

By the way, the average lifetime back then was about 40 years.  The first case before the Supreme Court is Trump’s attempt to kill the Affordable Care Act, strip modern health care from 20 million enrollees, and strip coverage of those with pre-existing conditions.

Trump and his enabler, AG Bill Barr, have stretched the powers of the Presidential orders and Tweets far beyond the restraints of the Constitution, and far beyond ever imagined, even by the previous day’s commentators.  If there are two who are going to be bound by the Originalist Judges and Justices, it is the Trump-Barr bad boys.

You cannot imagine a greater contrast.  Trump spends every waking hour and probably every sleeping hour rewriting the past, present, and future to making himself the hero and originator of all that is good, and putting all of the blame for failures on this “enemies”.  He eventually makes everyone his enemies, and recipients of million dollar book advances.

So, Back to the Origin, at Warp Speed.

Posted in 2020 Election, Constitution, Donald Trump, Gun Control, Guns, Health Care, Humor, Mitch McConnell, Politics, Twitter | Leave a comment

Global Deaths Approach a Million, 2.7 Million Projected for January 1

As Global Deaths Approach a Million, 2.7 Million Deaths are Projected for January 1.

Global deaths today are 958,000, or 96% of a million.  The IHME Sept. 18 projections for January 1 are 2.667 million deaths.  With 95% mask wearing, that can be reduced by 0.730 million to 1.937 million.

Compared to present deaths of 0.958 million, there will be 1.709 million more deaths by January 1.  With 95% masking, that will be reduced to 0.979 million more.  That is 57.3% of those without more masking, or a saving of 43% of the lives to be lost.

Global deaths per day will reach 33,625 on January 1 with present 59% world masking, but that can be reduced to 19,699 a day with 95% masking, a reduction of 41%.

This week’s IHME projection for deaths on January 1 is 111,000 lower than last week’s.  The deaths saved by 95% masking on January 1 has increased to 730,000 this week from 715,000 last week.

We present leading countries in the number of deaths projected by IHME for January 1, the number of deaths expected with masking, the number of lives saved by masking, and the percentage of current masking.


Country Present Deaths Projected Deaths Deaths with Masking Lives Saved Current Masking
India 86,752 625,165 430,587 194,578 68%
US 199,481 378,321 263,484 114,837 46%
Brazil 136,532 170,072 159,828 10,244 69%
Mexico 73,258 139,894 134,302 5,592 81%
Russia 19,349 98,182 30,940 67,242 33%
UK 41,866 93,429 65,566 27,863 43%
France 31,257 88,528 74,290 14,238 58%
Italy 35,707 67,687 53,171 14,516 61%
Spain 30,495 65,921 64,912 1,009 92%
Iran 24,301 62,476 36,777 25,699 53%
Turkey 7,506 54,434 49,362 5,072 73%
Philippines 4,984 52,979 50,905 2,074 89%
Colombia 24,039 50,579 46,667 3,912 88%
Peru 31.369 44,594 44,415 179 91%
Japan 1,508 39,447 24,730 14,717 85%
Iraq 8,555 29,748 14,982 14,766 42%
S. Korea 373 29,469 24,079 5,390 90%

Clearly, it is hard to imagine Japan or S. Korea rapidly accelerating deaths in December with their high masking percentages.  The model might need some revisions here.

In many projections, you can see that present high masking percentages lead to smaller gains with increasing masking to 95%.  It is also clear that even progressing to 80% mask wearing reduces most of the new fatalities.

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