Film & Media Studies and
Public Health Policy Double Major
I came to UCI with the mindset to seek out opportunities that are challenging and enticing, which is one of the many reasons I chose to participate in the Costa Rica Program. I am very interested in seeing how cultures differ in their values and lifestyles and how each of these affects or are affected by policies pertaining to health.
I’ve been involved in a number of on-campus student organizations, such as Student Housing, the Orientation Program, the Office of President Films Commission for ASUCI, Zotfilm, and the Soulstice League. Each of these has been fun and important in my skill development.
This program provides a chance for me and the entirety of the team to explore an aspect of sustainability in a location that is culturally and environmentally different from the one we currently exist in. I am looking forward to being able to assess the success that Costa Rica has had in its treatment of sustainability and scrutinize the flaws in our own system, in order to further progress in what we can do as a community to pursue more sustainable practices that our campus has come to value.
Zot zot.