Lesson 3: Communication: Vocal Expression
Voice: How Are You Feeling Today?
Click here to download Lesson Plan and Instructional Materials for Theatre Grade 1 Lesson 3 (PDF)
Objective: Students will identify, imitate, and create feeling and expression by using their voice, face, and body.
3A. Warm up:
Teaching artist Mike Sears helps students combine their physical warm up with some sounds with an activity called “What are you doing?”. As one student impersonates an animal for the audience to identify, the next students asks the question, “What are you doing?” and the performer responds with a “I am a___” giving the name of another animal that the questioning student is now going to impersonate. In essence, the answer to the question is the direction for the next student to act out a character.
3B. Vocabulary:
The students review the terms: posture, gesture, action, freeze, and audience. Volunteers help demonstrate how these elements work together.
Grade1 Theatre Lesson #3: Vocabulary [3:28 minutes Video]
3C. Modeling and Guided Practice:
Students learn about the production of sound using the throat, lips, and tongue. They produce a variety of sounds to depict feelings along with gestures that contribute to body language that communicates without using words.
Grade1 Theatre Lesson #3: Modeling and Guided Practice [12:53 minute Video]
3D. Debriefing and Evaluation:
Students review how their physical movement and voice communicate emotions to the audience.
Grade 1 Theatre Lesson #3: Debriefing And Evaluation [4:15 minute Video]
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