Tableau: Retelling Stories with Frozen Pictures (Tableaux)
Billy Goats Three and Me #2
Click here to download Lesson Plan and Instructional Materials for Theatre Grade 1 Lesson 5 (PDF)
Objective: Students will work cooperatively to retell a story using tableaux.
5A. Warm up:
Students warm up vocally and physically to prepare for their lesson.
Grade1 Theatre Lesson #5: Warm up
5B. Vocabulary:
Students review all their vocabulary and learn a new term: tableau: a frozen (motionless) picture depicting a specific scene within a plot.
Grade1 Theatre Lesson #5: Vocabulary [9:15 minute Video]
5C. Guided Practice:
Students work in groups of four to create tableaux for the story “The Three Billy Goats.” Three students in the group act the roles of the goats and one student is the troll. The groupings allow the whole class to participate.
Options: To further this lesson and create a performance:
- Create a reader’s theatre for 4 characters and one or more narrators.
- Combine the pantomime and tableau into a simple blocked play.
- Students perform the pantomime movement as the story is being read then continue without stopping, through each line, showing all the action which will freeze at the end of each character’s part.
Grade 1 Theatre Lesson #5: Guided Practice [7:58 minute Video]
5D. Debriefing and Evaluation:
Students listen to the teaching artist evaluate their progress with tableau.
Grade 1 Theatre Lesson #5: Debriefing And Evaluation [0:39 minute Video]
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