Exploring Space: Shapes
Lesson 8: Exploring Space
Click here to access Lesson Plan and Instructional Materials for Kindergarten_Dance_Lesson_8: K_Dance_Lesson_8
- Students will demonstrate line (zigzag, straight, curve) and geometric shapes (triangle, circle, square, rectangle, oval, diamond and star) through body movement in personal and general space.
- Students will identify line and shape they observe in their peers’ creations.
8A. Warm up Routine:
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #8: Warm up Routine
8B. Warm-up Review: The warm up is a comprehensive review of previous lessons.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #8: Warm-up Review
8C. Modeling Exploring Shapes: The students go over geometric shapes that can be made with their bodies.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #8: Modeling Exploring Shapes
8D. Guided Practice Exploring Shapes: Students represent the geometric shapes with their bodies.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #8: Guided Practice Exploring Shapes
8E. Guided Practice Creating Shapes: Students work in groups.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #8: Guided Practice Creating Shapes
8F. Guided Practice Freeze Dance and Cool Down:
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #8: Guided Practice Freeze Dance and Cool Down
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