4A. Warm up:
The teacher, Roxanne goes over with the students fast and slow body movements, including how to make choices with time.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #4: Warm up
4B. Vocabulary:
Various words that belong in the fast and slow categories are discussed with the students. Students think about animals that move fast such as a horse or moving slow, such as a turtle and snail. Furthermore, more words such are written on the Venn diagram displaying axial movements: sleep, dry, and eat are written.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #4: Vocabulary
4C. Modeling:
Fast and slow body movements of the axial and locomotor verbs are practiced. For example the students imagine that they are eating fast and eating slow.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #4: Modeling
4D. Guided Practice:
The students get into groups to practicing fast and slow body movements while imagining they are specific animals.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #4: Guided and Practice
4E. Debrief and Evaluation:
The teacher reviews with the class the different body movements they went over such as high, low, and medium. Different speeds were practiced such as fast and slow.
Kindergarten Dance Lesson #4: Debrief and Evaluation
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