Lesson 2 : A Hunting We Will Go…! (Done in conjunction with Lesson 3)
Click here to download Lesson Plan and Instructional Materials for THEATRE Grade K Lesson 2 (PDF)
- Students will identify significant information from text (setting, sense memory), and demonstrate active listening skills by creating appropriate movement and sounds for a story.
- Students will identify story sequence.
2A. Vocabulary:
The teaching artist shows a kindergarten class how to spell, pronounce, and define two new vocabulary words:
- sound effects – sounds produced to imitate objects (e.g., telephone ring, engine), scenarios (e.g., busy street, underwater), or people and animals
- mimic – to imitate or copy somebody’s voice, gestures or appearance
- additional vocabulary is explored in lesson 3
Then he models ways to make some basic sounds and invites students to come up with sounds of their own that everyone can try to identify.
Kindergarten Theatre Lesson #2: Vocabulary [11:34 minute Video]
2B. Modeling:
The teaching artist reads “Going on a Bear Hunt” to students and has them mimic his voice repeating lines using appropriate voice and volume.
He varies the pitch and volume of his voice (stylized by either stretching them out or speaking them short and punctuated) to get the students to explore vocal range. The different settings (e.g. tall grass; Are there bugs living in the grass? Is the grass taller than you? If so, how would you move through very tall grass?) are explored.
When an action occurs in the story, he stops and asks students what the action might sound like to create sound effects. He models the sound and has students mimic or come up with their own sounds.
Kindergarten Theatre Lesson #2: Modeling [5:54 minute Video]
2C. Guided Practice:
The teacher helps the children create some actions and facial expressions appropriate for volume, pitch, and style of the words, based on their experience with the reading of “Going on a Bear Hunt.”
Children make sounds with their hands, feet, and voices. (e.g., rub their hands together, stomp their feet, clap, pat, whisper, vocal gibberish is encouraged to match the action).
The audience guesses what the gestures, expression, noises, and actions mean.
Kindergarten Theatre Lesson #2: Guided Practice [2:32 minute Video]
2D. Debriefing and Evaluation:
Pull the class together to discuss and share how voice and body can be used to create sound effects. Discuss how this can make a story come to life.
Kindergarten Theatre Lesson #2: Debriefing and Evaluation [0.42 minute Video]
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