Time: Beat and Rhythm
(this lesson will download as lesson 1 pdf if using the www.clta.uci.edu/dance-grades website)
Click here to access Lesson Plan and Instructional Materials for Grade 2_Dance_Lesson_5: 2_Dance_Lesson_5
5A. Warm Up Routine:
Grade 2 Dance Lesson #5: Warm Up Routine
5B. Warm Up Review: Students review pathways, feelings, and reference the alphabet.
Grade 2 Dance Lesson #5: Warm Up Review
5C. Modeling Beat Rhythm Accent:
Grade 2 Dance Lesson #5: Modeling Beat Rhythm Accent
5D. Guided Practice Find the Beat: Students listen to Latin, ballad, and popular music and tap the beats with their hands.
Grade 2 Dance Lesson #5: Guided Practice Find the Beat
5E. Modeling Guided Practice Accent Game: The teacher adds the term ‘accent’ to the concepts of beat and rhythm.
Grade 2 Dance Lesson #5: Modeling Guided Practice Accent Game
5F. Guided Practice Freeze Dance and Cool Down:
Grade 2 Dance Lesson #5: Guided Practice Freeze Dance and Cool Down
Easy Access to All Video Lesson Segments: