Lesson 9: Dramatization: Vehicles for Story Telling
Is it Live…or Memorex?
Click here to access Lesson Plan and Instructional Materials for 2_Theatre_Lesson_9
- Students will plan, design, produce, rehearse, and perform a story through a dramatization (Options are radio drama, puppet play, or live theatre).
- Students will assess their performance: how the actor’s voice, gestures, words, and body movements work together to create a character.
9A. Warm up:
The warm up includes students responding to gesture and vocal prompts while the students next to them are required to frame the student in the center appropriately. The exercise tests their speed and focus. The warm up characters include vampire, surfer, and wizard as well as elephant and airplane.
Grade 2 Theatre Lesson #9: Warm up [13:09 minute Video]
9B. Modeling:
There are several options for this final lesson. Students explore their acting ability with further development of creative changes to “Little Red Riding Hood”. They start with a “dress” rehearsal prior to another class’s visit. The teaching artist offers some additional tips about how to position actors so that the audience can see what the actors are doing clearly (i.e. standing at an angle, opening up a motion with a downstage rather than upstage gesture).
Grade2 Theatre Lesson #9: Modeling [18:55 minute Video]
9C. Guided Practice:
Grade 2 Theatre Lesson #9: Guided Practice [13:29 minute Video]
9D. Debriefing and Evaluation:
Students discuss their reactions to their performances and reflect on their learning. The teaching artist talks about the challenges of inserting humor while still retaining focus. The students talk about ongoing improvements they could make to their performances.
The artist leaves the students with final thoughts about the importance of reading to their comprehension and future learning.
Grade 2 Theatre Lesson #9: Debriefing and Evaluation [4:51 minute Video]
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