Lesson 1: The Name Game
Click here to download Lesson Plan and Instructional Materials for THEATRE Grade K Lesson 1 (PDF)
- Students will demonstrate appropriate call and response using their voice (loud and soft), body (strong and smooth) and imagination to create theatre.
- Students will create movement related to theatre.
1A. Warm-up and Modeling:
Warm-up: Teaching Artist Mike Sears leads a kindergarten class in warm-up exercises that include both physical and vocal components. These activities increase focus while also expanding vocabulary and encouraging children to speak audibly and clearly.
Kindergarten Theatre Lesson #1: Warm-up [11:34 minute Video]
1B. Vocabulary:
Teaching Artist Mike Sears introduces key words that will be used in this lesson:
- actor: a person, male or female who portrays a character;
- character: personality or part an actor recreates that can be real, imaginary, or magical;
- audience: people who actively watch, listen and respond to live theatre;
- volume: degree of loudness or intensity of a voice;
- imagination: The ability to visualize and create a reality.
- Audience and volume are highlighted.
Modeling: Arrange students into a circle and introduce concepts of audience and volume to them. The teacher also helps students connect loud/quiet and hard/soft to the ideas. Eventually, students will communicate their name using only a movement. Make the first movement very strong, like stomping a foot and pounding the arms and hands. Practice the strong motion several times: (e.g., stomp, pound, etc.). Add your name while doing the movement. Take turns around the entire circle using strong, loud voices (volume) with strong movements.
Kindergarten Theatre Lesson #1: Vocabulary [16:44 minute Video]
1C. Guided Practice:
Ask students to think of an activity they really like to do OR choose an animal they really like (perhaps refer to icons from lesson plan). Allow time to explore playing in that activity or moving like that animal. Allow vocal sounds. Allow one minute for movement and two-three minutes for the audience to guess what the group was doing then switch groups until all four groups have had a turn.
Kindergarten Theatre Lesson #1: Guided Practice [6:36 minute Video]
1D. Debriefing and Evaluation:
Pull the class together to discuss and share how loud and quiet voice and strong (hard) and gentle (soft) movement work together in theatre and in everyday life.
Kindergarten Theatre Lesson #1: Debriefing and Evaluation [1.22 minute Video]
Easy Access to All Video Lesson Segments:
See playlist for this lesson. It will lead you to another web page.